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When Vernon came round from his black out he was in a completely new room. The hybrid was lay on a soft bed, the softest he'd ever been on. And the room was all white, even the lights seemed to have a bright white glow. He sniffed the air and instantly scrunched his nose up at the smell, it was very clean and almost stung the inside of his nostrils. But there wasn't even a hint of Soonyoungs scent in the air, which set off a small panic in the injured boy.

'Have I been given away yet again? Did Soonyoung lie about not going to hurt me? Where the hell am I?'

Vernon sighed deeply through his nose and tried to sit himself up in the soft bed, wincing in pain at how much his body ached to move. But he bit his lip and sat up, head tilting to the side in confusion at how heavy one of his legs seemed to feel. The small boy reached one of his hands down to pull the covers back to see his foot, frowning when he seen some weird white thing had encased his foot and some of his leg. This was something completely new to the mountain lion, something he'd never laid eyes on before. He inquisitively prodded and picked at the cast around his foot, frowning when he realised that there was no way in hell he was breaking this off by hand. 

"So you're finally awake, huh?" Someone spoke causing Vernons head to snap up in the direction of the voice. A man was standing by the door, his attention on a clipboard in his hand. He had dark brown almost black hair that curled slightly and stopped just under his ears, a pair of large circle glasses sitting on his nose and he was clad in black jeans with a long white jacket.

Vernon bared his teeth at the unknown man and emitted a low growl, always on edge around humans as they had treated him terribly so far. "Who are you? And where am I?" He sneered aggressive which didn't surprise the doctor at all.

"I'm doctor Bang, Soonyoungs private hybrid specialist," the man began to explain, "you blacked out and he rushed you to me. While you were out I've gone over all your injures and put in a few stitches on deeper cuts and gave you a cast for your broken ankle." The doctor flicked through his papers on the clipboard before looking up and flashing a gummy smile. "You should be as good as new in a few months. You'll have to stay here for a couple of days though, I need to keep an eye on how well the medication is working for you as I've never medicated a mountain lion before."

"So Soonyoung really did help me?" Vernon asked softly, the tense and aggressiveness to his posture seeming to have softened greatly. "Where is he? Can I see him? Thank him for helping me?" His soft creamy ears twitched as he perked up, looking around for Soonyoung even though it was clear he wasn't in the room.

"He left just over thirty minutes ago due to getting a call from his father, he'll be back shortly though and you can speak to him then, okay?" Doctor Bang said, pushing his head back out of his face and adjusting his glasses. "Until then, how about I keep you company?" He offered with a friendly smile.

Vernon nodded his head softly at the offer, "okay." And then a loud growl sounded from his stomach, the hybrids hands coming down to hold his stomach as his eyebrows knitted together. "Hungry.."

"Ah," the tall male began, tapping his pen against the clipboard as he turned to the door. "I'll go get you some food and then I'll be right back," with that the doctor left the room to get some food for the hybrid.


More of a filler chapter just to get an update out while I'm actually motivated!
Can anyone guess who the doctor is? 👀

Proofread: Not yet

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