Day #11

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I ran away the second I could. Everything hurts. My mind, my mentality, my sanity...

My heart.

He raped me. He used me like I was a slut and then dumped me when he could.

At first, I didn't say no. Of course not, he would hate me if I did. So I let him use me, take my virtue.

But when he was done, he just left. Left me alone. I assured myself that it was because he was fetching me a glass of water, and that's nothing wrong.

Too long. He was taking too long.

There he was. A blonde girl hanging off him, kissing the lips that just a few minutes ago were kissing mine passionately.

That isn't the worse part.

He didn't push her away. He kissed her back and held her like he held me. He kissed her like he kissed me.

What we had wasn't love. It never was and never will.

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