Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV
I gulped at Hoseok Hyung's sudden asking of the truth. I want to tell him but..I don't want him to freak out. I don't want him to hate or be scared of Rina Noona or even Yuri Noona. Or maybe he might think I'm insane or something. And another thing, I'm not sure if it was Yuri Noona, I can't see her.

I looked at him, he was waiting for my answer. "Never mind, don't tell me if you can't" He stood up, I pulled his hand. "It was my Noona, she died.." He sat back down and was ready to listen. "I thought maybe she helped us that's why I thanked her" I saw him look at me in pity. "Did you already visit her?" I shook my head "Wae?" I chuckled at the thought "I never knew where she was but I knew how she died." Hoseok Hyung laughed softly "Is that why?" I nodded.

I got into killing not because the other Hyungs do so. I wanted to bury the memory of how Yuri Noona died. "Kookie-yah" He pulled me to stand up "Let's get you a drink."

Hoseok Hyung is calm around people but there is this side of him you never want to know. I saw that side once.

I looked at the bleeding girl. She was wincing in pain, hoping me to help her. I did this to her and yet she wants me to help. "How dumb are you?" She stopped speaking and tried to tilt her head "Jungkook what are you saying" I dropped the knife exactly piercing her.

Her screams were fading but I enjoyed hearing them. I wanted to torture her but it was no use. Her purpose is now gone. "What did I do to you?" I smirked evilly making her tremble in fear. "Nothing really" As soon as I said those words I felt something hit me.

I just rubbed the back of my head knowing who it was. "Hyung what was that for?" I looked back to see a stoned face Hoseok Hyung. "Hyung?" He looked at the girl then looked at me. "Just what did she do?" I shook my head none "Then why?" I just chuckled "Hyung they said I could."

He marched out, I followed, leaving the body but bringing the murder weapon. I needed to fix her up there but seeing Hoseok Hyung so worked up about this, I see trouble beside him.

As we reached the place where the other Hyungs are, he started to turn berserk. "Who let this kid out in the wild?" No one dared to raise his hand to that question. "Jungkook who said it" That was not a question, it was telling me to tell him immediately. "It was Jimin Hyung and.." He pulled Jimin Hyung by the collar. "Why'd you let the kid?!" Jimin Hyung didn't dare answer him back or even smirk like usual "Sorry.."
/End of Flashback/

Every time I kill another person, I remember him. I remember how he makes the others shake in fear. "Yah stop fantasizing" I hit him lightly "I'm not" he chuckled "Then what are you doing" I sighed "Thought about a memory."

We went back to where we left her. The door was still closed but the atmosphere was different. Other Hyungs weren't here. "Where could they be?" Hyung asked while looking around. We tried to peek at the closed door. Suddenly it opened.

Hoseok's POV
IT WAS FUCKING EMPTY!! Where are they?! We went to the nurse station and asked where they were. "Sir a family member took her and those guys are there" She pointed at the group of boys looking sorrowed. I ran towards them and shook them from their thoughts. "Who took her?" Namjoon looked at me and shook his head "Hwasa's mom and dad did."

I know where she lives, I marched to where their house is with these guys. Yoongi Hyung's been acting strange, he's been talking to himself. "Why did they take her?!" I looked at Namjoon Hyung "Why did you even call them."

I guess I was that scary. They did not dare stop me from marching there. I walked not caring what I bumped into. I walked although I felt that strong gush of wind. My weak side suddenly moved aside for me to take action at whatever's happening.

As soon as I reached the house. I didn't knock, it opened itself so I entered. I want to bring her home, no, I need to bring her home.

I looked at them, that family sitting on the couch as if they were waiting for me. "I see you came.."

They were waiting for me. "We didn't actually believe her when she said it asleep" She stood up and motioned me to follow her. I did follow her but I didn't let my guard down. What do you know. Maybe they were planning to eliminate people that knows her.

We reached a room, of all rooms, it was the only with white door. "Why is the door white?" Jungkook asked "Because her mother told me so." Does she even want to make sense when she answers questions.

She opened the door and there she was. I slowly went towards her. She was still pretty although she was pale. I didn't know if I should touch her, I was scared, hoping this isn't a dream. "Not a dream Jung Hoseok" She smiled, that smile, that reason I stayed by her side.

Yoongi's POV
I was making a plan with Yuri as we walk. "Why are you shivering?" She looked at me and tried to check my temperature. "Hoseok..when he does that" I just pointed at him. "Oh~" She jokingly shivered "If she sees that she will freak out" I just nodded "Yah are you sure he's not possessed" she tried to hit me "Definitely sure about that."

We reached that house. I know he will destroy that fucking door if it won't open. "Yuri help him please" Someone tapped me "What Jungkook?" He raised his hand and asked "Is Noona here?" I shook my head "She'll be watching over Rina's sleeping body then you can talk to her, if she survives."

I saw him gulp at my words "I was just joking." He smacked my head "You are aware of what I can do right?" He nodded while running in the house. I followed after all of them were inside, I just checked on something.

It was wonderful, if that's the question. But are they wonderful people? Anyway, I was stopped from following them "She's possessed."

I looked at Yuri, my eyes widen, hers in glaring mode. "What do you mean?" She pulled me by the collar "Does that guy have a past you know?" I shook my head "For all I know, he.." wait I can't tell her "You shouldn't know, I shouldn't say it. He trusted us with it."

The Me You Never KnewHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin