Chapter 3~ Nagito

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Nagito walked around the room, slightly anxious. He had been in a hospital for the past week and he knew he was missing so much work, how could he get everything done? Of course, this meant he would have to cut his usual schedule and focus entirely on his work. When Chisa came in and greeted the class as normal, homeroom was in motion. Ten minutes of downtime or study hall. Nagito made a beeline to Chisas desk, and politely asked if he could see the work he had missed. "Of course, here you go Nagito!" She said handing him a large stack of papers. "Now, since today is Thursday, try to have these all done by... Wendsday. Deal?" She explained, and with a nod Nagito agreed. "Of course!" He picked up his papers, and put them on his desk, trying to sort them all into the many different folders he had for each class. He finished mere seconds before the bell rang, establishing first period.

All was going well, until the 5th period came along. Now, this was science class. The class each had certain vegetables to cut up and put into this weird chemical substance Nagito couldn't quite remember the name of. But, while he was cutting his vegetables for his part, one of Gundhams hamsters jumped from out of his scarf and promptly took one of Nagitos carrots, and climbed up to eat it in his bright white hair. Nagito giggled at the events that happened, and Gundham was just as impressed. "Amazing! You have tamed the almighty Champ-P!" Gundham shouted, then releasing a large laugh that can only be described as a common evil villain laugh. Nagito lifted his hands to his hair, and gently plucked the hamster out and gave it back to Gundham. He looked over at Hinata, who had a small, sad smile on his face. This confused Nagito, but he shrugged it off s nothing, and would ask Hajime later.

When Hajime was just about to walk out the door, Nagito caught him. "Hey! Hinata-kun!" He called over, lightly placing a hand on his shoulder. Hajime turned to look at him. "Yes, Komaeda?" Uh oh, Hajime only called Nagito by his last name when he was worried. "What's wrong?" Nagito asked simply, going straight to the point while looking sympathetic. Hajime rolled his eyes at Nagitos innocence on the situation. "Nagito, you were gone for a week. That's record time! You're getting worse." He said crossing his arms. "Look, it's only a small thing, I'm taking some medicine and it'll all work out." Nagito reassured him at gently as possible. But the two of them knew he was not fine. He had been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and advanced lymphoma. At least he was taking that experimental medicine the doctor had just released. Nagito was the one testing it out, and while it was undeniably working, it worsened the mood swings and depression Nagito had gained with his disease. After a small stare-down between the two boys, Hajimes heterochronic red-and-hazel eyes glaring holes into Nagito, Hajime continued on his way looking highly annoyed, yet extremely concerned.

Nagito just shrugged it off as Hajime being annoyed at Nagitos being, and the concern being directed at literally anything else that came to mind. There was no way Hinata cared about him, right? Nagito didn't deserve him, and he didn't have him. Nagito walked out of the school feeling... wrong. Something was horribly wrong. This will all go down the wrong way. This is wrong. Wrong. WrongwrongwrongWrongwrongwrongWrongwrongwrongWrongwrongwrong...
Nagito was knocked to the ground. He groaned, peeking up a little to see a heavily armored female above him. She had a knife to her side, and bob cut greasy black hair with freckles. If Nagito was correct, she was a grade level under him. He looked at her suitcase and back at her, and it all pieced together. This was Mukuro Ikasaba, and today she was coming back from Military camp. With a growl, she picked up bag right back up and stepped over Nagito, not giving a damn what his opinion was or if he was okay. Nagito didn't mind though, he wasn't worth the effort anyways. But Nagito got a horrible horrible feeling from that girl. He tried to shake it off as paranoia, but he knew better than that. With a sly smile, he turned and followed her. Not knowing what kind of tragedy he would be throwing himself head-first into.

But Hajime was also facing a crisis of his own. Not even Nagito knew of this, nor the military girl, god forbid his legal guardian check on him, but that was good since Hajime knew for a fact that he couldn't let anyone know. If anyone found out, he would be sold back to scientists and studies to figure out what exactly he is.Hajime didn't have the mental stability to hang through that, and he also didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Who knows what Izuru would do if he let him loose, even for a second.

Well, in this one I both answered and created more questions. But I like that. Yaay. Anyways, next update will be May 10th, and I'm kinda excited because my birthday is May 17th! So that's coming up! Next POV will probably be Nagito again, and I hope I'm portraying him okay. It would suck if I wasn't -_-

Hey, Victoria? Remember how I said I was gonna try to not curse anymore? This story doesn't count. The characters cursed, not me. That's my excuse anyways.

lol I just realized in the Komaeda one shot I apologized for Nagito practically taking over the story, but I hadn't even published this yet (*'-')
Sorry if I confused anyone with that. Since ya know, he wasn't in the story much at all until now. Whoops? Sorry

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