Chapter Two: New Term, New Mission, Same Goal

Start from the beginning

"I found it!" I announced as I burst through the door. Harry sat behind his desk, looking down at some parchment. At my entrance, his head snapped up.

"Found what, love?" He stood, dropping the papers. I rushed to his desk, laying out the two books.

"I found the way to help Ginny." I grinned, going to the marked pages. "See? We were looking for one book but the answers can't be found in just one." I pointed down at the page.

"This doesn't look like a potion or spell." He read through the pages quickly.

"It's not. It's a guide to finding the spell." I pulled some fresh parchment out and sat. "Look. Alone, these books mean nothing. But together? They're an instruction manual." I began scribbling down the parts that fit together. "If I'm right, this should lead us to another source, which will lead us straight to the spell."

"Why would anybody go to these lengths to hide this information?" Harry questioned, watching me write.

"The only theory I have is that this spell, though cast by evil means now, can actually be used for good by the right wizard. They must have had a way to make the good be in control of the evil, the opposite of the way Liam controls Ginny. If that's what the creators were able to do, you wouldn't want evil wizards finding out how to break the spell that easily."

"Who would actually use this spell for good?" Harry raised a brow.

"I don't know. But maybe that's what it was originally for. The best wizards and witches would bind themselves to the worst so that they would be safe from attacks and they would be able to control the evil ones.., keep them from doing actual evil." I paused. "Along the way, somebody must have found a way to change it enough to use it for evil and its morphed ever since." I scribbled down the last of what I could decipher from the pages, stopping when the language looked to have changed. "Okay, from what I can tell this is directions to something. I would think the rest of the passage would tell us what but I can't understand this language." I tried thinking of all the languages I had read before but none of them matched the writings in the book.

"Ugh! This is so frustrating." I pushed the books away. "The information is right there and I can't even figure it out."

"It's okay, love. You've done well just to find this. We knew it was going to take some time." Harry pulled a chair close to me and sat, placing his hand on my knee. "We'll figure it all out. At least we know that we're on the right track." He kissed my temple then pulled away to close the books. "Come." He took my hand. "I'm more than positive you've been going all day and skipped lunch. Let's go get our children and get to supper." He smiled.

With a hefty sigh, I put the books together with the parchment and sent them ahead of us to our bedchamber. When that was done, I let Harry lead the way down to the house-elf quarters where the babies would be spending their time when they didn't come to class with one of us or Ron. We found Lily and James, holding onto the hands of two house-elves, bouncing up and down as though dancing. While Albus was seated on the lap of a third house-elf, watching his elder siblings. At our entrance, the house-elves seemed to light up even more.

"Headmaster, Headmistress." They greeted us.

"Hello. Have they been trouble today?" I asked, moving to where Albus was situated.

"Never, ma'am." They all insisted. "The little masters and mistress have been nothing but good all day."

"That's good. Thank you so much for taking care of them. We both appreciate you lot very much." I smiled as Albus was placed in my arms. At my words, each of the house-elves' faces shone so bright they could light up a dark mountain. Receiving praise from Harry, Ron, or I seemed to be a highlight of their lives.

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