Chapter 7

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Hannah's View

I wake up and silently slip out of bed, walking to the kitchen. The smell of eggs fills the house, I see a shirtless Matt standing over the stove. My stomach does flips and I smirk. I walk into the kitchen and stand against the wall and watch him. He flips the egg and slides it onto the plate, he turns around to grab another egg. His eyes go wide as he catches my eyes. He rushes over to his shirt and throws it on.

"Hannah! You're up!! Sorry about the, uhm, shirt." I smile.

"Trust me, don't worry." I walk over to the plate of eggs grab one. I throw it onto a plate and sit down, when I look up at Matt he's blushing. God he's so hot. Okay maybe I find him attractive? Doesn't mean I like him right? Dammit. 

"So you wake up early?" He sits down at the table with me and I nod. 

"My sister is the one who sleeps in." He laughs and my phone starts ringing. I groan and run into the spare bedroom and race back out into the hallway where I talked to my dad, and quickly hit Answer.




"Yeah! Where are you?" 

"Uhm, long story." 

"I got time." 

"Well, yesterday night at probably 12:30pm, I went to get a drink. I ended up dropping the glass and I went to clean it up and when I turned around my dad was behind me, he started yelling at me. It got to the point where he kicked me and I ran upstairs to get my sister, to leave. It was late Sam, I didn't think you would pick me up. So I looked at the next person that would maybe be able to. Matt. I'm at Matt's and Sam, you were right. I think I might like him. I don't know what to do about it." I could hear her sigh at the other end.

"Well first you made the right decision of leaving, and I would have picked you up. Sadly you wouldn't be aloud to stay here with your sister Han, there's no room. I'm always right, you should just tell him how you feel." 

"I know Sam, I will. Soon. I'll tell him." 

"You better." I smile and turn around. My heart races. 

"I don't need to anymore."


"Because, he heard my entire conversation with you." I continue to stare at Matt. "I got to go. Bye Sam." I hit Cancel and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Matt..."

He slowly walks over to me. "You like me?" I shrug. 

"Maybe? I don't know." 

"You know I heard you, so don't lie." 

"Matt, I don't know what to do about my feelings. Okay?" 

"Hannah, I like you too. Why can't we give it a try?" I shrug again. He places his hands on my shoulders. "Stop shrugging. Kiss me." He moves his hands to my face and moves into kiss me. I fill the empty space and place my lips onto his. We stay like that for a while, until I pull away.

"I don't know what to do now." 

"Give it a thought? Give us a thought. I'm not a bad guy Hannah, ask anyone. I had a bad past in grade nine, fighting with kids and getting suspended all the time. I am not that kid anymore." I look down. "Hey, look at me." He lifts my head up. "I like you Hannah, just think about it, okay?" 


"Hannah!" I hear my sister call me from the bedroom and I look to Matt and smirk. I walk into the room and see my sister on her bed crying. I walk over and rub my hand along her back. 

"Please don't cry." She lifts her head.

"Tell me what's going on, please." 


Does anyone have an idea for a shipping name for Hannah and Matt? 

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