update/save my soul

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Hi anyone who's read this. So I have a list of things to say so just brace yourself

1)I'm thinking of writing a sequel to this just because I have a good idea, but I'm not sure if anyone would want that, so let me know if you would.

2)If I do decide to write a sequel it's not gonna be for a long time because I want this "series" to be more realistic than others, and I want to get to know Dan and Phil's new house (thats sound creepy, like I live there) before I start writing (which leads me to my next point)

3)Daniel Howell and Philip Lester are moving!!!! I was talking to a friend about this (and I'm not trying to say anything about Dan and Phil being in a relationship or anything, I fully respect them and would never do anything to hurt them...(little disclaimer there) and was saying they've moved now 3 times with each other, which could seem a little suspicious. (Insert that parks and rec meme thing, you know the one where they sing dont look suspicious) I mean yeah they could be really good friends and fear that they won't be in contact with each other or something, but if they're that good of friends, I doubt that they would never text each other on a daily basis. But to be fair, I probably would want to live with my best friends for as long as I can (I may have a slight problem with jealousy and I'm way too clingy(sorry friends)) so I get that. I'm not saying anything about any possible relationship, so please don't get mad at me.

Anyways, I think thats it for now. Please let me know what you think of a sequel... See ya

(Also it's worth mentioning that even though we all knew that they were moving (because you know, they didn't give us enough hints) I was still shocked and legitimately screamed when I saw the goddamn notification...whilst on the school bus...with a bunch of people who hate me and think I'm weird (I may or may not watch Dan and Phil on the bus...real dedication) soooo yeah...everyone on my bus probably hates me even more now, but that's okay👌👌👌)

(Also after rereading this, I realize how annoying I am, and I apologize...hopefully you made it through this update!)

Update in an update (wow!) Since I wrote this yesterday.

Its actually happening. Like they're moving all of their stuff in...😭😭I'm legit gonna start crying if they post more pictures of them moving in.

😭😭I'm legit gonna start crying if they post more pictures of them moving in

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

This is great. Just look at that wall. They kept the couch (which makes me worry because thats not good for their backs) also apparently that white half of the v v aesthetic wall is a floor to ceiling window (if you don't understand why I'm dying, in an old Sims video, Phil mentioned that he wanted big windows (I think it's the same video where he can't talk and says every window is glass) but anyway. This just makes me wanna cry) Also I thought this morning that 'oh my god, Dil was created in the London apartment' and it honestly makes me want to cry. Okay rant over.

(Again I realize how fucking annoying I am so sorry for that.)

dreams do come true // phanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz