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637 13 12

Hello My Snippets,
I might be deleting some of the author's notes, so don't freak if you see something has been deleted from the book.
Also, I don't know if anyone noticed, but I took up a new and better pen name. It's now Venus Penn instead of Panther. I felt like it had a better ring to it.
I might change the cover of the book, it's still the same book and will have the name on it.
I feel like the story has some holes in it. If I can improve any of the chapters, please tell me! I'm begging you!!
And THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K READS!!! Thanks for all the support!
Shout outs to:

Love you all!!!!
Thank you,
Venus Penn

Mirror [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora