Chapter 6

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Around Evening 6:00ish
I want to know about Herm-Granger. I want to know about her life. I don't want to keep staring at her. 
I could try to figure out the Mirror of Erised and the reflection it showed me, but it's too much work. I could even try to figure a way out of here, but I may never see her again.
Might as well try to strike a conversation and not completely reveal that I do care about her. I always have. Ever since 3rd year when she punched me square in the nose and ignored my painfully beautiful face, I realized I had feelings for her.
I smirked and calmed myself down,"Hey, Granger! I'm bored and I want to talk to you."
She narrowed her eyes and sighed,"Fine" she said snapping her book shut and sitting on the bed,"What do you want to talk about?"
I positioned myself next to her,"Well since we might be stuck here for a while, I want to get to know my roommate. For starters, I want you to forget about the war and You Know Who and tell me what's going on in your life. Who is the real Hermione?"

She stared at me blankly, trying to process what I said.
"Well, the real Hermione is a book nerd. The real Hermione is left out. The real Hermione is bullied. The real Hermione ignores people...people like you."
My mind was racing. Why is she left out? Why is she bullied? How bad have I made her feel? Does she really hate me? I cleared my throat,"Um... why are you left out? Who would do that to someone like you?"

"My closest friends actually...Umm, they've been kind of ignoring me. I feel like the only reason I'm their friend is because I'm smart and they need me around to help them solve the war's riddles. I'm smart, I get that, but I was hoping someone would like me not for my brains...but for me. Harry and Ginny keep on giving each other googly eyes and Ron hasn't been around very much. Harry is not only caught up in Ginny, but Voldemort and the upcoming war." She sighed.

I was speechless, how is she going through all of this and surviving?
I nodded,"Why are you bullied? Who bullies you?"

"Who do you think Malfoy?" Her face slowly turned dark,"You've been making my life miserable, everyday since the time I saw you! You call me a mud-mudblood and other horrible nicknames!! Do you know how your words and actions can affect other people?!" Tears were now streaming down her cheeks,"Do you know that I spent hours locked inside the library, crying EVERYDAY?!! You made me feel like the lowest scum on Earth! Harry and Ron don't care about me spending hours locked in a room reading and writing my heart out! They don't understand!!! NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!" She stood up and walked into the corner of the room.

My heart was torn into pieces at her words. She was going through so much because of me. It was my fault...
It was all my fault.
A pang of guilt rushed through my veins. I stood up and walked over to her,"Hermione, do you think that I said those things because I wanted to? I was raised in a family where if you associated with blood traitors or m-mudbloods you would get severely punished. My father would have found out if I hadn't called you those horrible names." I pulled her off the floor and spun her around, forcing her to face me. Her beautiful face was stained with tears. Her chocolate eyes were watering and her lips were sealed into a tight line. "I'm sorry Hermione. Sorry for everything that I have done to you. Sorry for the way your friends ignore you. Sorry for everything." She nodded and started to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a tight, but gentle hug. She sobbed into my chest. We sat down as she cried and cried and cried until I could not hear her sobs anymore. I realized she must have fallen asleep and picked her up bridal style. Placing her gently on the bed, I curled up beside her, making sure to keep a distance so I don't make her uncomfortable. I drifted off to sleep thinking about Hermione Jean Granger.

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