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[ just to clear up any confusion, this chapter will be written in past tense. ]

[ minute ten ]


IT WAS AT THAT time that the engines failed and the plane began its inevitable plummet to the ground, leaving only one more agonizing minute left for everyone on the plane.

I don't remember a lot from that last minute, but I do remember clutching onto the freckled girl's hand as screams of sheer terror reached my ears. However, it wasn't until a second later that I realized the screams were coming from me.

It was strange, living in the reality of an actual nightmare. It didn't really seem real at the time, but now that I look back on it, those ten minutes were the most real ten minutes of my life on earth.

I will never know what happened to the plane that day. I will never know why we crashed, or what caused it in the first place. I will never know what happened to the brunette flight attendant that made her so closed off from the world, and I will never know why that little boy was in a wheel chair.

But, I know one thing for sure.

Life on earth was over for everyone on that plane the second it hit the ground, but life itself was not over for the freckled girl and I.

In fact, eternal life was just beginning for us.


[ I've tried to write this author's note several times now. I just can't seem to get into words how much this story means to me, so I guess I'll keep it short and sweet. Eternal life in Heaven is free to anyone. It's just your choice if you want to take it or not.

I hope this story made you realize something you didn't understand before. I hope it made you feel something beautiful. I hope that it helped you make the decision to let God into your heart, because life on earth can be snatched away from you in a matter of ten minutes. I hope that you all enjoyed this story. And most of all, I hope to see all of you in Heaven one day (:

- mae

PS: oh! I almost forgot! Smile for Marli, not only to honor her, but because she deserves every single smile that she gets (:     ]

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