Stopping Termination

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"When Nan, Kara's uncle, put the whole entire city into a trance, she broadcasted a little speech and saved everyone.  I think that's what you have to do Samantha.  You have to help them, they are still in there, remember that," I nodded, 

"Thank you, Alex,"

"No problem, anything anytime, I got your back," She gave me a heartwarming smile.  I heard Lila scream and suddenly Barry and Kara were looking down at us.  

"Kara?" Alex asked,

"Termination shall commence in 5-4-3-,"

"Run!" Alex screamed at Lila and me, desperation filling her voice.  I grabbed Lila's arm and sprinted out the door, 

"EVERYONE!  GO!  KARA AND BARRY ARE GOING TO TERMINATE THE BUILDING!" I scream and shrieks echo throughout the room.  I ran through the crowds until I bump into a figure and fall over, it's Hank.

"Samantha, hide," He says and transforms into his alien form, "let them come," I see Alex run out and beckons me to run to her.  I start to sprint, but half way through I halt, sending Lila tumbling down to the floor, I help her up and throw her an apologetic look.

"What Samantha?  We have to go!  Come on!"  She screams at me, 

"Lila," I whisper, "Lila, where's Anna?" I say.  Her face pales and her dark brown and green hair contrast against her pasty face.  I hear a scream and I spot Anna, backing up, being approached by Kara and Barry.

"ANNA!" I scream, she turns her head, spots me, and sprints over.  Suddenly, she falls to her knees.  She's being circled by a red figure, which I happen to know is the fastest man alive.  Barry.  She put's her hands up and her mist appears.  She creates a shield around herself and gives me a brave look.

"Please, Barry, STOP!" I scream.  I let go of Lila's hand and sprint forwards, jumping into Barry, hoping to take his attention off Anna for a second and on to me.  I feel when he collides with me.  I am thrown to the ground,

"Barry you don't want this," I say standing up, I hide my wince and stare him straight in the eyes. 

"You love Anna.  I know you know this," I say placing my hand on his shoulder, he goes rigid.

"Anyway, you still owe me a donut, whatever that is," I mumble, something snaps and he unfreezes and I am thrown across the room, I gasp as I hit the wall.  I struggle to stand and I slide to the floor.  I push myself up until I'm in a standing position.  My vision is blurry and I have to blink my eyes repeatedly until I can make out the scene in front of me.  The world moves in slow motion.  Lila and Anna are running, narrowly being missed by Kara's heat vision.  Hank is mid-transformation when he get's slammed into the wall behind him.  Something explodes and one of my ears starts ringing.  Dazed I walk forwards, my feet following some invisible trail.  I am suddenly standing in the middle of the room everyone's attention on me.  

"Leave them alone," I say, almost yelling, "I'm the one you want, remember?" I point out.  They glance at each other and I see the confusion disappear from their faces.

"Samantha Zor-El, you are under arrest," Kara and Barry say at the same time, I lose my breath when they say Zor-El,

"I-I-I"m not a-,"

"Please admit yourself to us," Kara say's, 

"Or else, termination," Barry says, I give a groan,


"Wait! Wait!," I say putting my hands up, "I admit myself-"

"Samantha, we don't know what they are going to do to you!" Lila screams, I see Hank transforming but I hold up a hand to him,

"Lila, you didn't let me finish, I admit myself to you if you can break me,"

"As in spirit?" Kara says,

"Exactly," They immediately spring into action,

"Barry, Kara, you two are the strongest people I know, I wouldn't be here without you-," I am thrown into the wall, "I am inspired daily by your courage and warmth-" I am zoomed across the room and fly into a table, I stand up, "You have saved too many people to count, every day, a peril is overcome by you-" My feet are swept out from underneath me and I fall, "Whether it be saving a cat in a tree or the world." I am approached by Barry and Kara, their walk synchronized, they stand infant of me, looking down,

"Do it," I whisper, "I am defenseless," Kara raises her fist, their eyes are flicking, fighting some internal battle.  She raises it higher, ready to strike.  I look at both their eyes and realize they both have a layer of "mist" coating them. Kara stay's frozen and suddenly drops her fist to her side, 

"You can't do it?  Those are the superhero's I know," I see the mist clear from both of their eyes and they blink rapidly.  Barry un- mask's himself and stares around the room as if seeing it for the first time.  

"Welcome back," I say cringing as I stand up, Kara stares with me with an open mouth,

"Did you lose your powers?" Barry says, his brow furled, 

"Yes, it was at a very, uhh, unfortunate time as well,"

"Who did this to you?" Kara asks, her fist's clenched,

"It's nothing you need to worry about,"

"What happened to the DEO?" She gawks, 

"This place is practically indestructible," Barry says,

"Well, it's a long story," 

"A story for another time," Alex say's walking in, "What happened to that villain?" 

"His name is Nicholas Scratch and he's a wizard,"

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