Something Strange...

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I see Anna and Lila talking so I rush over,

"Hi Lila, Anna," 

"Hey Sammy," Anna says, giving a one arm hug, I stare at her in awe, the way her blonde hair falls, her dazzling brown eyes, her glasses that looked exactly like Kara's, exactly like mine. 

"How are you, Samantha?" Lila asks, fiddling with something.

"I'm good, what do you have there?" I ask, tipping my glasses down so I can see what it's made of,

"Oh, just something I made, I'm an amateur inventor,"

"What does it do?" Anna asks, "can I see it?" Lila starts to hand it over but the mist I had seen before, starts to flow out of Anna's hand, Lila shrieks and throws it in the air, I instantly react and jump to retrieve it, I catch it in the air.  I turn the small thing around in my hands, smile at it,

"Samantha?" I hear Lila stutter, "Since when can you, you fly?" I lower myself to the ground, Anna's face shares the same look of shock,

"No one told you guys?" They both shake their heads simultaneously, "Well, I'm a Kryptonian, I'm from the same place as Kal-El and Kara,"

"Cool," Lila mumbles in awe, 

"Are you related to them?" Anna asks,


"Um, Samantha, can you do the whole 'stronger than laser-eyes and ice breath' thing?" Lila asks, I laugh at her remark

"Follow me," I say, we walk into the training room, "I advise standing back," I say and they back up immediately, I place a chair in the middle of the room and get ready to strike.  I start to blow on it with all my might.  The chair slams into the walls and stays elevated.  Surrounded by my icy breath.  When I run out of breath it drops to the floor with a large clang.  I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath as I pant.  

"Ready for more?" I ask them, they both nod.  I rise up into the air and zoom over, swooping down to grab the chair and zooming back over to the center of the room.  I drop it and cringe at the loud noise it makes.  I drop to the floor and step back, closing my eyes to prepare for the next task.  When I open them I focus all my energy on melting the chair.  Rage flickers through me, I see multiple holes forming in the chair.  I push everything I have, my last drops of energy, I hear Lila and Anna murmuring behind me,

"Sammy... That's enough," Anna says in a worried tone.  I push her remarks away.  Why was it my planet?  I scowl, a hiss coming from my clenched teeth.  Why did the person create the spotlight to stop Kara or me? 

"Samantha, you have to stop," Lila say's, taking a step forwards.  Yet I push on.  The chair is in a heap.   I am starting to burn into the ground now.  I start to trace a logo into the ground, not even knowing what it is.  Just an image driving me forwards.  When I finish I feel my conscious fading.  I stop and my eyes burn.  I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding and unclench my fists.  I try to walk away but I realize I'm in the air.  I lower myself onto my knee's.  

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, I feel two figures wrap their arms around me,

"I know the how you were feeling," Anna murmurs.  Before the spots dancing in front of my eyes attack I give her a faint smile.

"Samantha?" I see a bright light flashing in my eyes, 

"Alex, get it out of my eyes," I say putting up a hand, I hear a small chuckle.  My eyes adjust to the light and I see six people crowded around my bed: Alex, Kara, Lila, Barry, Hank, and Anna.  Anna's eyes are red and puffy, it looks like she has been crying.  I sit up and try to get out of bed but Alex pushes me down.  

"You might want to rest,"

"Alex, I'm a Kryptonian, we don't really do rest on this planet,"

"Actually Samantha, you're not for a couple days," Hank speaks up,

"What? What do you mean?" I question, 

"Sam, you've lost your power," Kara say's, who's surprisingly holding hands with Barry.

"I what?"

"It's kinda like you used 110% percent when you're only supposed to use 100%," Lila says.  Lila and Hank talk some more while my gaze goes from Kara and Barry to Anna.  Kara and Barry to Anna.  Kara and Barry seemed so emersed in each-other,

"How the mission?" I finally ask them,

"What mission?" Kara says,

"The one earlier today," Kara looks over to Barry,

"I don't remember a mission," She says

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