Part 1

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Serena's POV
I told my mom I wanted to explore some more. We had a little argument and I guess I convinced her.I gathered all my stuff and smiled at my self in the mirror. I really wanted to meet new people!!I went to the airport and you'll never guess who I saw... ASH!! I really wanted to avoid him yet I didn't. I looked away but her started to go in the same direction as me. Well world, if you insist me talking to Ash... then he'll have to come to me. I kept on walking and I made Braxein come out. I looked at Ash through the corner of my eye. I smiled. I remembered the time I kissed him on the cheek. That's why I wanted to kind of avoid him... I didn't want to hear his feelings of what he felt back then. Can this day get worse?I saw Meite! I don't want her to take Ash away from me. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey Serena!" Ash exclaimed," Are you going to Alola?". "Y-yeah Ash" I studdered."Great!!Lets sit next to each other on the plane!" He smiled. I smiled back and I really wanted to hug him, instead he hugged me. I couldn't explain how happy I was. We both went on the plane and about a couple of hours in, I fell asleep... ON ASHS SHOULDER. I woke due to me waking up in a house?! I hope this wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes and I looked around and saw Ash unpacking. "Hey Serena your awake!Well your mom just texted me that we could share a house together. Also, what do you wanna do"? I smiled and replied," Well I was thinking that we could just walk around the island, and how did I get here, I thought I fell asleep on the plane...". Ash smiled back and said,"Well I carried you here and I think it would be a great idea to walk around the island"! I got up and brought out Braxien, Panchum and Sylveon. I walked out the door with Ash.

Hay PPLS I was thinking about about doing a Truth or Dare series after a couple of Pokémon Chapters... But that's totally up to you guys!! Comment your answer!! BAI BAI 🥔

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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