Playing A Deadly Game

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Only when the shaking stopped did I dare leave the bathroom. The pictures in our hallway had all fallen and shattered glass was everywhere. Taking a deep breath, I hastily made my way upstairs(since I had shoes on, my feet didn't get cut up by the glass) and checked my brother's room. Andrew owns a lot of guidebooks. If he's not...anyways, if he survives, he'll want some of them from the house, not just the number in his backpack. Searching the fallen guidebooks (which takes a good amount of time because of the number, but I'm glad for the temporary distraction), I find three of them that are salvageable: one of his Pokémon books, a DragonArt book, and a Star Wars one. All paperback, of course. Taking those downstairs, I shove them in the bathroom with my supplies and head to Mom and Dad's room, refusing to look outside. Inside, I grab Mom's computer and charger, my own tablet and charger(as well as my and the boys' other carry-on game systems- consisting of three 3DS XLs and one more tablet), and Dad's Hume Lake hat. Also grabbing some of my mom's necklaces (the homemade ones), I venture to my other brother's room. Timothy doesn't have much to take that I can remember him by. He does have a shotput, but I'm not going to carry an eight + pound metal ball around in my backpack. Instead, I grab his Hume Lake bracelets. Taking my hoard back to the bathroom, I go to my room for my own things. My hats, the little money I have, an assortment of small stuffed animals(yes, I'm an eighth grader and I have stuffed animals still. We've never gotten around to getting rid of them, but we're working on it), my headphones, this blanket I've had for years, and three of my model dragons. My immediate thought as I'm packing all this into my bag? Thank you, Lord, for letting me go on the Navajo trip and teaching me how to pack a lot of things into very little space!  Then I remember the other tiny things that I can fit in here that are some of my most precious reminders: some of my Lego figures. Darting back in my room, I dig through my box of Legos(it's small) and find the ones I use to represent me, Timothy, my friends and Mom and Dad(I ran out of ideas on how to do Andrew's) plus a trio of others and two random OCs of my own.

These things may seem random, but they're among my greatest treasures.

Checking that I have all seven of my own Hume Lake bracelets, I grab two others my mom gave me, an earring of my great grandmother's(it's made of gold, sure, but I want to keep it in the family), and this beaded lizard thing. My last stop after I pack all of these up is the kitchen.

And that's for weapons.

I may not have a gun, but I have at least 93% accuracy with throwing knives. I trained myself (by total accident, in case you were wondering; and I have never applied these skills to living things except when Timothy and I used to playfight with our Disneyland lightsabers). I also can use bows, swords, crossbows, and some other assortment of weapons. (A/N: This is true. She isn't a Mary Sue-I just happen to have an obscene amount of weapon knowledge. Probably because of how much time I spend reading and gaming. I don't have actual versions of any of those weapons, if you're worried. But, for future reference, unless I state otherwise beforehand, any medical procedures that seem odd are things I learned from books and a TV show from about the 80s. So...yeah)

(For some reason, the font changed and I dunno why at this point. I tried four times to get it back to the above font and it hasn't worked. Sorry)

I'm searching through the knives before I remember that if I'm ever close enough to use it, I'm likely already dead. So, I snag Timothy's Sting- which he also bought at Disneyland- and tuck it into my jacket pocket. It's real metal, and it's the closest thing we have to a sword. But, hey, maybe I'll get lucky and my enemies will be allergic to metal. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I walk towards the door. I have everything I need and I know where I'm going.

Walking out the front door, I leave all my memories behind forever.

(A/N: Yes, I'm very talkative right now. For those of you who don't know, her dogs were let outside before the earthquake, which means they were likely killed by any falling debris due to the family's stone wall. For those of you who've seen my house (literally just C.S.Moon and maybe three other people on this site), just imagine my place and you know what Kathryne's home looked like previous to all the carnage. (It took me so long to remember her name XD) At any rate, Shado out!)

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