Depression (PTSD Arc)

Start from the beginning

"Oh no."


Ryan was on the run. That much he knew.

After narrowly escaping the park, only by the grace of Spyder's dog call, was he able to go unnoticed.

Still, he'd lost his tool.

Lost his home.

Lost his hope.

Ryan shook his head, clearing the intrusive thoughts from his mind for a moment as he hurried down the sidewalk, head down, heart heavy.

"Ryan," Someone spoke, and he looked up.

He offered a pathetic smile, "Hey Mark."

"Ryan," Mark said again, as if he couldn't believe he was seeing his brother alive, which he was.

He grabbed Ryan, yanking him into a hug before whispering, "You're okay."

I've got you.

You're going to be okay.

He felt tear stains on his shoulder but chose not to comment, instead his hold on his brother tightened.

Mark pulled back first, looking over his brother with his hands firmly on either shoulder, as if he was afraid he'd run away again. Which he probably would.

"Show me your arms," Mark demanded.

Ryan looked down, not saying anything.


Ryan mumbled something inaudible.


"I said 'no'." Ryan stated, looking up at his big brother.

"Why not?" Mark asked, worry tugging at his mind while anger tugged at his heart.

"Because," Ryan said, pulling away, "You don't need to see them."

"Ryan," Mark said, grabbing his brother's arm, "Last chance. Show me your arms."

Ryan didn't say anything, instead opting to look away.

"Fine," Mark hissed, yanking the arm of his brother's shirt up to reveal


A blank, clean, unblemished arm looked back at him. Aside from the occasional childhood scars there was nothing.

Mark spun Ryan, who was now facing the ground, and pulled back this side, more hesitant this time. Revealing nothing once more.

"What happened?" Mark demanded.

Ryan remained silent.

Mark sighed, pulling the Mech-Link up to his lips, "Guys, I've found him."


"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know."

"Well can we do something?"

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