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I rest my head on my palm, my elbow leaning on the table and wait for the Sorting to finish.

I didn't think being a Potter was a big deal. But I guess most kids don't survive a killing curse, or be related to someone who has.

I love how because Harry's a Gryffindor and the 'heroic savior' that I'm expected to be the same. Apparently I'm supposed to be the next popular heroine, just because of my surname.

These people don't know me, I could be a crazy serial killer and they wouldn't even know.

I'll just be that one girl who doesn't live up to everyone's expectations.

"Zentz, Emilia," Professor McGonagall calls out.

Emmy walks to the front and the Sorting Hat is placed on her head.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" It calls. I smile, I knew she would be there.

"And that concludes the Sorting! But, this year something special is happening at Hogwarts," Dumbledore says.

He waits a moment before continuing.

"The Triwizard Tournament!" Everyone gasps. I have no clue what it is so I'll pretend to be surprised.

"Due to the tournament, quidditch is canceled. And two other schools will be competing against us. Beauxbatons of France and Durmstrang of Bulgaria! Please welcome, the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons!"

Suddenly, about 50 pretty girls wearing blue robes dance in the room. They smile and sway around for a bit before sitting down.

"And the men of Durmstrang!"

About 50 boys march in wearing massive cloaks of fur. A few do backflips and the girls giggle. I roll my eyes.

Then everyone gasps.


Viktor Krum walks in and a few others guys do back handsprings in front of him. And I thought girls were extra.

Draco invites him to sit next to him and he does. I glance at Ron and see his annoyed expression. I snicker.

Dumbledore goes over all the rules and how you can't participate unless you're at least 17, which Fred and George take to their disliking.

All of a sudden, plates of food appear in front of me. I jump up quickly and almost hit this guy in the face.

"Woah! Watch it," he says.

"My bad," I say, slightly sarcastically.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Hannah. And you?"

"Theo Nott. I sorta already knew your name from the Sorting, but thought it's sorta creepy since we've never met."

"Maybe a little."

"So, welcome to the house everyone hates," he says with a smirk. I laugh.

"So, how come you just got sorted? And why are you American? Not that I don't like Americans. I bet Americans are cool."

"First of all, Americans are pretty cool. Don't believe the rumors that they're all rude and such, even though most are. But that's okay."

We both laugh. "Second of all, I used to live in Manhattan till I figured out I was a witch. I got here like three weeks ago. And here I am."

"So you don't know much about Hogwarts and magic?"

"Not really."

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