I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. I whispered in her ear, “Everything’s going to be fine.” I kissed the side of her head and looked at her. Her reply was a simple nod.

We finished our lunch and left the cafeteria early to wonder around and get away from the noise. We walked past the guidance counselor’s room, and heard him speaking with what sounded to be Kamryn’s aunt. So, we both stopped by the side of the partially closed door that we knew we wouldn’t be seen by them.

“I think something’s wrong. Like, she’s not telling me something,” said Kamryn’s aunt.

“I know. She’s probably hiding something. A big piece to the puzzle. Something she has yet to tell anyone. But, what could it be?” responded the guidance counselor.

“I don’t know. It must be something that happened that night her father killed her mother and himself. It just doesn’t seem like him to kill anyone. Basically all she told the police was that her dad was drunk and mad at everyone, so he killed Amelia, then himself. But, it just doesn’t seem like him. I knew he was getting fed up with Kamryn and Amelia, but I didn’t think he’d kill himself. I really wish that they had put up the cameras in every room for when Kamryn would sleep walk like they originally planned.”

“That would’ve been a big help. I knew Nicholas. He wasn’t one to think suicide. Ever.”

Before we could hear the rest of what they were talking about, Kamryn walked away. I followed after her and watched her facial expressions change from one thing to the next. From sad to confused, then to pissed, then to sad again.

“Kammy, what’s wrong?” I asked her with concern.

“Nothing,” she replied, without emotion.

“Will you please tell me what happened that night? I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“I can’t. It’s still too soon. It’s getting close to their death. I’ll tell you what happened, then. Just please, stop asking me about it until then. Please?” she stuttered.

“Fine. But, you better tell me then.” She nodded as we walked to our lockers, which were right next to each other. We got our books for our next class and started walking to it when the dismissal bell for lunch rang.

As we walked to our next class, Kammy told me that she needed to use the bathroom and said she’d meet me in class. So, I let her go and walked to class. I got to class a minute before the late bell rang. After the late bell rang, I noticed Kammy wasn’t in here, yet.

As the teacher took attendance, he noticed she wasn’t here. “Does anyone know where Kamryn is?” he asked the class.

I raised my hand and said, “She had to use the bathroom. It was an emergency and she couldn’t wait.”

“Okay. Thank you, Anthony.” With that,  he continued taking attendance.

It was about halfway through class, and Kammy still wasn’t there. I was starting to get worried about her. Where is she? I thought. I kept looking out the class door, hoping she would walk in. Finally, after a couple more minutes, I couldn’t handle not knowing where she was. I raised my hand and the teacher called on me.

“May I use the bathroom, sir? It’s an emergency,” I said.

“Fill out a pass and you may,” was his reply. So, I filled out a pass quickly and had him sign it while I was signing out on the sign-out sheet. I took my agenda and started towards the bathrooms. I got to the girls bathroom, and knocked on the door.

“Kamryn?” I asked, opening the door partially. I didn’t hear a reply, so I opened the door slowly, incase someone was in there and it wasn’t Kammy. When I walked in, I closed and locked the door. I walked through each of the stalls and looked under each of them, not seeing Kammy’s feet under any of the doors. When I got to the final stall, which was the handicap stall, I saw Kamryn lying on the floor, passed out. I opened the door and quickly went over to her.

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