7th, December 2017

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Hey. | 04:23 A.M.

I know you don't want me to message you right now. | 04:23 A.M.

But you've been ignoring me for weeks now and I don't think I could've waited any longer. | 04:23 A.M.

I also can't seem to sleep these days. | 04:23 A.M.

And you never seem like you want to talk to me and I just need you to understand. | 04:23 A.M.

I need you to hear my side of the story. | 04:23 A.M.

And if it's not face to face then it'll be through text messages. | 04:23 A.M.

I really didn't mean to do what I did. | 04:24 A.M.

It just happened in the heat of the moment. | 04:24 A.M.

I had to do this to sort my feelings out for you okay? | 04:24 A.M.

And I know that's not an excuse for kissing her and cheating on you. | 04:24 A.M.

And I really didn't want you to find out this way. | 04:24 A.M.

But I realized this one thing. | 04:24 A.M.

I love you too. | 04:24 A.M.

I love you okay? | 04:25 A.M.

I don't know if I'm gay, bi or whatever. | 04:25 A.M.

But it doesn't matter, because I like you and I want to be with you. | 04:25 A.M.

I love everything about you Rain. | 04:26 A.M.

I love it when you smile so bright that it makes the world stop spinning and I love to hear that cute laugh of yours that sounds like music in my ears. | 04:26 A.M.

I love your dark messy hair that somehow always seems to look good without even trying. | 04:26 A.M.

I love your shiny blue eyes that makes my heart skip a beat whenever I look at them. | 04:26 A.M.

I love your personality and all your flaws. | 04:26 A.M.

You're perfect. | 04:27 A.M.

You stole me heart okay? | 04:25 A.M.

You did it, you made me fall in love with you without even trying to. | 04:25 A.M.

You don't treat me like I'm the 'Matthew Gray' | 04:25 A.M.

You just treat me like a normal person. | 04:26 A.M.

I'm sorry okay? | 04:27 A.M.

So please, I'm begging you. | 04:27 A.M.

Please just give me one more chance to make this up to you. | 04:27 A.M.

Tell me what to do and I will do it. I'll try everything to make it up to you. | 04:27 A.M.

It's okay if you don't want to be with me anymore, if being friends is all I can get then I'm okay with it. | 04:28 A.M.

I will always be yours even when you don't want me. | 04:28 A.M.

Love, Matt. | 04:28 A.M.

Wrong NumberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora