17th, November 2017

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Okay, what's been going on with you these days? | 4:11 P.M.

You're acting really strange Matthew. | 4:11 P.M.


There is nothing going on Rain! | 4:29 P.M.


Why won't you just open up to me? | 4:29 P.M.

I thought we were having fun and that we were having such a great time together. | 4:29 P.M.


I am! | 4:30 P.M.

We are. | 4:30 P.M.


Then what's the matter? | 4:30 P.M.

Please, I'm begging you. | 4:30 P.M.

Just tell me. | 4:30 P.M.


I just need to adjust to the idea of dating another guy Rain. | 4:30 P.M.

I haven't told you, because I didn't want to hurt you and I don't want to let you down like others did. Especially since I told you that dating a guy didn't matter to me.| 4:31 P.M.


Okay, I get it. | 4:31 P.M.

It's okay Matthew, you should've told me from the beginning then there wouldn't be so many discussions between us. | 4:31 P.M.


I know and I'm sorry. | 4:32 P.M.

It won't happen again. | 4:32 P.M.


Okay, just tell me next time if there is something wrong. | 4:32 P.M.

Don't hide it from me, I will understand. | 4:32 P.M.


How will you understand? | 4:44 P.M.


I don't know. | 4:44 P.M.

Because you are Matthew. | 4:44 P.M.

My Matthew. | 4:44 P.M.

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