18th, November 2017

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Rain, I didn't mean to do what I did okay? | 11:32 A.M.


I doubt that. | 11:33 A.M.

You were pretty clear about the fact that you didn't know me. | 11:33 A.M.

After all that's what you told your friends in front of me. | 11:33 A.M.

You didn't mean to do that? Yeah right. | 11:33 A.M.


That's not what I meant. | 11:33 A.M.


That's exactly what you meant! | 11:34 A.M.

I'm so sick of this, you've been acting really strange these days. | 11:34 A.M.

Even stranger than Justin ever did and that says a lot! | 11:34 A.M.

You aren't just "adjusting" to the idea of dating a guy. | 11:34 A.M.


Rain, just listen to me. | 11:34 A.M.


You are ashamed of me, aren't you? | 11:35 A.M.

You don't want to be gay. | 11:35 A.M.

You told me that you were okay with it after a while, but you're still denying it, aren't you? | 11:35 A.M.

Don't even try to lie to me, because I'm not stupid. | 11:35 A.M.


I'm really sorry Rain. | 11:35 A.M.


I should've never get involved with you the second I knew who you were. | 11:36 A.M.


Rain, | 11:36 A.M.


It's impossible! It's impossible that someone like you, the captain of the Rugby team and one of the most popular guys in school could actually be nice. | 11:36 A.M.

Could actually like someone. | 11:36 A.M.

Could actually like someone like me.. | 11:36 A.M.

Always you with you're "sorry" what are you going to do next time huh? | 11:37 A.M.

Are you going to cheat on me too? | 11:37 A.M.


Rain. | 11:37 A.M.

There's something that you don't know. | 11:37 A.M.


No. | 11:37 A.M.

Don't you even dare to tell me that you did. | 11:37 A.M.


I'm sorry. 11:38 A.M.


Please Matthew. | 11:38 A.M.

Please. | 11:38 A.M.

Don't do this to me. | 11:38 A.M.

I love you. | 11:38 A.M.


I'm sorry Rain, I didn't mean to. | 11:39 A.M.

I'm so sorry. | 11:39 A.M.

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