And Dean had no idea why.

So he walked away again.

He shoved the key into the lock, turning it to find the room completely empty. Gigantor - aka Sam who usually was lounging around on the sofa, his limbs taking up all the rooms because of his annoying height - didn't seem to be home. Again. He'd been dodging Dean and Castiel all day, probably because they had this angry, awkward air about them and they were always irritated when they got near each other since the scene they'd made the other night. Sam was still making silent fun of the two of them, and it was pissing Dean off.

He threw his bag onto the floor, then turned to face the angry angel in the room.

"Cas, you can just leave now. We're not talking about this anymore, I'll just get pissed and you'll use your angel-mojo to zap out of here or something," he said, emphasizing the zap with a little finger twirl. He turned around to rustle through some bags on the kitchen table, probably looking for the pie. He really did wish Castiel would leave though, the tension in the room was unbearable. He felt as if neither one of them could so much as breathe without irritating the other. He was angry, he was sure of that, and Castiel didn't seem so calm as usual either. He moved towards the living room just to be cut off by said angry angel.

"You don't get to just make me go away, Dean. I brought you back from hell. I remade you. I saved you, and you've done just as much for me, so you're stuck with me whether you like it or not," he growled, each step forward pushing Dean one step back. "I'm not 'zapping' my way out of here, and you're not pushing me away. What happened was both of our faults, Dean. You didn't stop it, and I didn't care to. You seemed to be enjoying yourself, actually, which confuses me, Dean. I don't understand. What's the problem here?"

He'd reached the wall, and their noses were almost touching. Dean looked at him sheepishly, which meant looking down the bridge of his nose right into Castiel's eyes. He wasn't as short as he'd expected, his face almost level with his from this point of view. Their breathing mixed, one angry and one embarassed and surprised. Anger was boiling in his stomach though because the angel still thought he had the right to claim him - to use hell against him and force him to deal with something he didn't want to. He'd always gotten what he wanted, taking stuff by force, and using any means necessary. Having an unfixable problem was new to Dean, and he didn't like it. But how could he fix this? It'd already happened - it was irreversable.

He pushed Castiel back a foot. "You never had to save me!," he shouted, getting in Cas's face. "You never had to raise me from hell, I never asked that! You decided to on your own, Cas, that's what you chose!"

"And if I didn't?" Castiel asked, pushing him back awkwardly. He's probably never argued with anyone like this. "You were supposed to save the world, Dean. It was expected of someone to save you so you could save all of us. I'm sorry you weren't stuck with someone who knew how to control themselves. Would you have preferred someone else? Gabriel? Maybe Uriel? Oh, wait, maybe even Lucifer would have been a better choice!" With that Dean was slammed back into the wall, his head stuck in place staring back at Castiel.

Both of them were seething with anger, yet that didn't stop Dean's gaze from flickering down to Cas's lips before attacking them, bringing his lips crashing down onto Castiel's until they were red and swollen and bitten. They both converted their anger into angry lust, both pushing the other and taking over, fighting for dominance over the other.

Dean smirked at the gasp Castiel gave when he roughly pushed his tongue past his lips, exploring further. Cas's own tongue countered his, both of them wrapping around the other and wrestling in one wet, hot mess inbetween their mouths. Dean was actually rather taken aback - he'd figured that since he was a virgin, and Cas, he'd be pretty prude about all this and a lame kisser, but to be honest, kissing Cas turned him on like no other - more so than any girl had done for him, and he could already feel himself hardening against Castiel's leg. His angel wasn't doing any better than he was, he realized at the same time as he brought his leg up between Cas's and came across the hard and impressive bump he was sporting.

With a sly grin, Dean slid closer to Cas, rubbing his hip closer to his angel's. He was rewarded by a small moan from Castiel, the noise cute yet so damn hot. He pulled back (much to Cas's distaste) and slid behind him, pressing up against his back as he reached around and brought his hand back to the front of Castiel's boxers. He moved his hand around the spot slowly, looking to the side to see the angel's reaction up close. Before he could move to kiss his neck, though, the door banged open and he looked over Cas's shoulder at his brother - yet again walking in at the wrong time.

"Hey guys! What're y- Oh," Sam stopped, and he froze, his eyes widening in realization.

Damn interrupting moose!

"Out" Dean growled, and he was pleased to see the moose scramble backwards out the door, nearly falling on his ass on the way out. The door shut with a bang that made the neighbor yell in anger, but he'd have more than a loudly slammed door to worry about soon enough.

Before he realized it, Dean was already pulling the clothing away from Castiel, exposing his length completely. He felt the angel shiver at the sudden change in temperature, looking down at Dean with a little look of annoyance as he adjusted. The shabby little hotel room was freezing cold. Grabbing his member, he did as he had yesterday before they were interrupted, but this time he started at his tip, licking down his length and then up to his belly button, looking up at the flustered angel as he did so. Though Cas was shivering, he could see the flushed expression on his face and he could hear the small little moans he was already making. Since he was a virgin and probably never even considered touching himself, he was as sensitive as they came. He would be done fairly quick.

Dean let out a loud breath and buckled his belt, his heart rate calming finally now that they had time to stop and rest. Not only did he calm down, but his mind wandered and he looked to the angel trying to put his tie back on and asked, "Cas... what does this mean?"

Castiel looked over to Dean, though he paused for a moment, his cheeks growing warm as he remembered how he looked without his clothe-

"I don't know, Dean," he replied. "I'm not sure if I did anything wrong... sure it's in the bible not to do such things, but I tend to feel like lately, He hasn't even been watching the angels as He used to. I guess we'll see in time?"

Dean nodded and flopped down onto the motel bed, exhausted. Cas hesitantly joined him, facing Dean from the other side of the bed, his wings outstretched casually behind him. His gaze got a bit creepy as he didn't try to sleep or at least close his eyes. After squirming a bit, Dean let out an exasperated sigh and pulled the angel closer, tucking his head under his chin. An arm slid around his side and Cas snuggled closer, and they both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

Meanwhile, a certain moose snuck back into his own room, relieved that he didn't have to see Cas and his older brother being totally not gay in the living room again. He scoffed at the thought as he faded off to sleep.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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