Sebastian Stan

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He watched the way your hair moved in the wind as you entered the coffee shop in front of him. Honestly though, the sway of your hips would have been enough to convince him to follow you in. He entered in line behind you, only to listen to the sing–song tone of your voice tell him to go in front of you. "I'm really bad at decisions," you admitted, tapping your fingers gentle against your arm as you glanced up at the coffee board in front of you.

He hummed in response, stepping in front of you in line. "I can help with that," he admitted in a low voice, ordering two drinks from the barista. You tried to pay for yours but he insisted on paying for them both, blocking you from the counter. He motioned for you to follow him to a table and you thought it was the least you could do for the stranger who bought you coffee.

He got your drinks when the barista called them at the counter. "Thank you sir," you said as he set it down in front of you. A low growl escaped his throat and he quickly coughed to cover it up. But you had already heard it.

"How long have you lived in New York City?" he asked you.

"A few weeks," you responded, taking another sip of your coffee. "You?"

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