“What was the name of the Bat?” I asked, impressed at how quick this creature had been in helping us.

“Shreyanshi Miven, granddaughter of Paa’la Miven.” I smiled in recognition. This bat’s grandmother was the one who had been a tremendous help to us when the Ettin giants had kidnapped me.

“What happened to those things?” I involuntarily shuddered when I thought about the hideous creatures.

“Each and every one of them has been killed.” Eustace said with a weak smile. “Oreius had taken almost the entire army of Narnia with him, when he heard who had sent the signal.”

Trust Oreius to get worried!

“Okay, I think I should get going now.” I said and walked down the hallway. Now that I knew what had happened and everyone was fine, I did not know where I should go. My problem was solved when a grey cat walked up to me with her tail help high.

With an elegant cat-bow, she spoke, “Your Majesty, Aslan has summoned you to the Lion Chapel.”

I thanked her and went to the place in question. Lion Chapel was the place where Lucy, Edmund, Susan and I used to pray. Today, as I quietly shut the door behind me, I was met with a sight so great that I could not help but get down on my knees.

The Lion Chapel’s huge, full wall glass window faced the Great Eastern Sea. From the position of the sun peeping just over the horizon, I knew that sun had not risen fully yet. The crimson-yellow rays of the sun created a beautiful artwork on the fading blue of the canvas of sky. The shimmering Eastern Sea reflected the image being created on the sky. Red and yellow, sandwiched between fading sapphire of sky and sea was indeed a breathtaking sight but the scene that made me fall to my knees in awe was something else.

Aslan, majestic more than ever, stood on the altar of the chapel with His head held high. Even the sun’s ray seemed fake and surreal when compared to divine golden glow of the Lion that surrounded Him like a halo.

“Rise, Peter.” He addressed me in his warm breath. I did as I was commanded to. I idly noted that he used neither High King nor Sir Wolfsbane, nor Pevensie. He just called me Peter. It looked like something quite simple, easily overlooked but I knew Aslan well enough to understand that the absence of title was something with a meaning deeper than it appeared. Whatever He did, He did with a reason.

“You want to ask something.” He stated, knowing me too well to question.

“Yes, Sir.” I took a step towards Him and His gentle smile encouraged me to go and sit beside Him. He too sat down and I leaned my head in His soft mane. “What were those things, which attacked last night?”

“They were Shraap.” He answered. “A being born of darkness and curse. They bring curse and destruction with them wherever they go. The presence of a few in any world of Shadowlands would have sent the entire world in a state of destructive chaos.”

“Why were they here?” I queried.

“They were sent by Tash to plague this holy land.” Aslan said in a voice that would have sent a chill in any enemy’s person. However, a fierce hope developed in me. This, beautiful and loving creature was there to guide us.

“But they weren’t able to?” I questioned.

“No, my child, they could not. Not while such great warriors of Narnia are there to protect her.” His answer reminded me of someone else.

“Aslan, who was the boy who was fighting with us?” His indulgent smile told me his answer before he spoke.

“I can only tell you your own story son.” I was expecting that part but what followed next was something I had not expected. “However, whenever you see him next, know that he is going to be a good ally and more important to someone in your family than you think.”

I did not understand the second part much but I committed it to my memory nevertheless. His advice should never be ignored.

“Will there be more attacks like the one last night?” was my next question.

 There was a firm resolve in his eyes and one single word of his was enough. “No.”

I left the Lion Chapel in a far better mood than I had entered in. Aslan’s blessed presence went a long way in soothing my erratic thought and crazy what ifs. By the time I closed the door of the chapel softly behind me, I knew it was well past noon. I had missed breakfast and lunch but by the Lion’s grace, I was not at all hungry!

Yesterday, I had thought that the battle preparations were in full swing but as I now took a round to see over the preparations, I could see that this was just the beginning. We would be leaving tomorrow morning, so, everything must be ready by this evening.

Mum had finally come out of her shell and was helping in packing up the things. I could see Kanell, Glenstorm and Xati inspecting the weapons. Lady Tarini was packing up the medical supply with other healers. Almost everyone was doing something or the other. The speed at which the preparations were going on, I could say that everything would indeed be ready on time.

My thought came out to be true and after the preparations were over, everyone once again gathered at the Table to have the dinner. The food was as lavish as usual. The magic of the table was evident. The only thing different was that today I did not call the toast. Aslan did.

His toast was short but reflected everything each one of us was feeling. He ended it with a two words. “For Edmund!”

The diners all cried out in unison “For Edmund!”

As I sat there eating, I could only think about Edmund. Oreius had said that this was something that had both positive as well as negative effect. It was completely up to us on how we decided to use it. According to what Oreius told me, some people had let the thought of a beloved someone break them. Their entire hope vanished when they realised that they were unable to protect their loved ones. It was heartbreaking to see warriors of great might break down under their guilt.

However, that was not the case with me. Sure, when I thought about Edmund, I did feel guilty but I was not crushed under it. Instead, it fuelled in me a drive to repent and bring back my baby brother. It was more of a motivation for me to undo the wrong that had been done and make sure that my brother was indeed with us, laughing his heart out at his next prank victim.  

I smiled with each bite as I thought about what Edmund would say about everyone and everything present here. My mental resolve strengthened. If I got my brother back this time, I will never let him be taken away like this.

However, the word ‘if’ bothered me a lot.


A filler chapter, I know. But the real action begins from the next chapter.

And finally I have completed revising the story!

Narnia- Life Out Of ShadowlandsWhere stories live. Discover now