Chapter 1

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Katniss POV:

The sound of the morning bell wakes me up. It goes off every morning at 7 to say come down and get breakfast. Breakfast is 7-8 so most of us go down in our pajamas unless we want to get up earliar. Classes start at half seven and finish at 2pm which gives us the rest of the day to do whatever we like. Which is cool its a nice system and the classes arent that bad! Annie shoves on her pink slippers and we go down to the cafe to get breakfast. WE see Peeta and Finnick standing in the queue and push infront of them

"HEY! What was that-" I turn to Peeta and he stops and smiles at me "Hey beautiful"

"Morning handsome" I reply turning back and talking to Annie. "What classes have you got today?" I ask her 

"uhm... Music, PE, English, Art, Science" She says from memory "You?"

"English,PE, Archery, Maths, Science" I say "Ooh we have PE and Science together"

"Actually we all have science together" Finnick chirps in hitting me on the shoulder. We don't all have many lessons together because we have different abilities like Peeta and Annie are in top set for almost everything, Finnick is in the middle and Im at the bottom secretly failing. But I will keep trying! I havnt said anything to Peeta about how hard I find the main subjects because he might be dissapointed in me. 

I walk into the food hall and get some cereal and then find a table back at the cafe soon after Peeta, Finnick and Annie join me. I look round the room, unlike the others I havn't made any new friends. I don't want to and they arent my type of people. I see a group on a table looking at us and soon enough one of them walks over.

They have black hair, and hazel eyes. Thier extremly thin hips swish from side to side and her 7 inch heels make a tapping noise

"Hey" She says "I didn't know that thier were such hotties here" She flirts. Ugh really? Peeta and Finnick look stunned its only then I notice she is one of the only people in the cafe not in her pajamas but in a revealing black dress. She smiles at them but then turns her attention to us. Glaring with hatred "And who are they?" She spits

"This is Katniss and Annie" Finnick says firmly "Our girlfriends" A smile spreads on her face

"Awesome we should be friends!" She announces "I am Clove"


"Annie" She turns to the boys



"Well this will be fun!" She says before grabbing a chair and sitting at our table. I see the group she was with watching and I know Clove isnt what she says

'I can see behind your smile' I say in my head looking directly at Clove. They all start talking and are in full conversation by the time i snap back into reality. None of them even glance at me. I try to get thier attention but it seems like they have forgotten me so I simply get up and walk away as I turn back I see Clove has taken my seat. A lone tear escapes my eye. 

We havnt been here long and I have already been replaced...

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