Author note 5

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A/N -Well I am going to keep this in two days I will post chapter 8 the reason for this author note though is for the simple fact of that if I don't get a response for this or an answer then chapter 8 will be the final chapter of this entire series and I will move on to the next book for those who don't notice or just don't read the ending author notes for the chapters this will let me know you have two choices

1) you want me to continue the story and that would mean a second volume and if that is the case then I will ask help from other people at that point for proof reading, grammar correction, and ecteria they will be decided on a few different areas that I will discuss at the end of chapter 8 if people want it to continue.

2) you don't want me to continue in this case it will be the final chapter and I have enough messed up endings in my head to make it dreadful and painful or nice and happy.

Those are the two options if you choose option 1 you will get a happy ending and I will ask very specific people for help based off a few bits of criteria. If you choose option 2 you will get a bad ending and I will then start my next book by 5/6/2017 so choose carefully just type a 1 or a 2 in the comments or PM me your answer and I will note it.

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