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after kazimir and i picked up coffee we got to school at exactly 7:43. two minutes before the bell.

in those two minutes we had to find our names upon the plethora of other students from all grades. to out lick we're in the same first period. literature. honors literature. after navigating our way around the large building we made it just as the bell rang.

kazimir and i had only moved here last year at the beginning of sophomore year. so, naturally we tried to keep a low profile which wasn't hard for two practically silent twins.

taking our seats that correspond with the names on the board in the front of the room, my sister and i sit one behind the other. i recognize a few faces from last year. some i have never spoken to for multiple reasons. too nervous to or just didn't care. others i slightly know.

"hi, dash." taeyong whispers from beside me.

"hi, tae." i respond back quietly with discrete wave.

"pst, kaz. hey." taeyong gets kazimir's attention by poking her shoulder lightly.

she looks over her slightly then waves with a smile.

"hey, yong." she whispers back.

"oh yeah, guys just act like i'm not here." mark mutters while rolling his eyes playfully.

"shut it, lee. we see you." kazimir shuts him down.

"hey, mark you're not forgotten." i say while taeyong giggles beside me.

mark lee and taeyong lee. two guys that weren't totally pretentious jerks nor passive aggressive incompetent swines when we met them. they became two of our friends. kazimir's friend ten knows them also.

"okay, class. welcome back for your junior year! we should all get to know each other so let's share or name and one thing about ourselves." my teachers light and dainty voice bounces through the class.

she receives several protests and groans in response.


i forgot about that. the stupid introductions. every single year. it's not like these people care what you like or what your name is. they don't listen.

due to the resurfaced nerves, headache, and nausea i had been trying to ignore, i hadn't even noticed the piece of paper my sister placed on my desk.

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