Chapter 5 [REWRITTEN]

Start from the beginning

But, love requires sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?

"Songbird, hm? He must be referring to (Y/N). I mean, Joey always calls her that anyway," Henry mumbles.

Suddenly, a new voice came, "I said, can I get an amen?" It sounded like Sammy.

Henry immediately turned around but didn't see anyone. Strange...

Henry began to think that he was only going crazy already. He thinks he must he hearing things. After calming down for a few moments, Henry continued on.

There was a hallway filled with ink, so it most likely slowed Henry down a little bit.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed," the figure said.

"Hello! Excuse me! Can you help me? Hello?"

The figure already disappeared at the left side of the next room. Once Henry reached the room, he immediately took a left, but it was a dead end.

"Where the hell did he go..?" He mumbles.

Now Henry just thought he's hearing things, AND seeing things. Its really going to drive him insane. He looked across the room and noticed a little device on the wall. It looks like a switch to a door.

"Hmm...should be a coupe switches nearby. Then maybe I can open it," he says.

Henry looks at the shelf of Bacon Soup cans. He noticed a small glowing light between them and moved the cans out of the way. He assumed it was one of the switches, so he pressed it.

There were three lights, so three switches perhaps. Henry already got one.

Henry went back to the previous room to find the other two since it seemed that it was that only one in there. He noticed that one of the switches was already on, so he went to the other one. But that one was on too. Henry knew that those boxes were closed, and they were left open. Someone was definitely helping him, even from the start.

"That's strange,"

Henry went back to lift the gate. At the other side was a doorway that was boarded up, so Henry swung his axe at it. He heard a....moan??? It sounded inhuman though. Once the boards were down, Henry could barely see anything.

"It's really dark in here..."

Henry was able to make out what the sign said. That was when he finally realized that he was in the music department. He was able to see a small tape too, so again, he decided to listen.

Voice of Sammy Lawrence

So first, Joey installs this ink machine over out heads. Then it begins to leak. Three times last month, we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwell.

Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain is periodically.
Now I have this ugly pump switch right in my office.
People in and out all day.

Thanks, Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions.
These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves, you know.

[DISCONTINUED] Bendy x Cartoon!Reader [Robotic and Inky Heart]Where stories live. Discover now