"I AM GONE FOR A FEW HOURS! A FEW HOURS!" Kagome yelled furiously and they all cowered in fear at the intensity of her glare. "AND WHEN I COME BACK! I COME BACK TO THIS! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! YOU PROBABLY WOKE EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE VILLAGE! HELL EVEN ALL OF JAPAN!" she walked slowly and dangerously in the middle of the room. Inuyasha and Shippo inched away from her fearing that she would take her wrath upon them. Kagome inhaled then exhaled trying to calm herself down.

Inuyasha gulped trying to build up the courage to speak "Ka-" but he was harshly interrupted.

"NOT ANOTHER WORD!" Kagome yelled she pointed to Inuyasha "GO TO THE CORNER!" the one by the door. "YOU" Sango "THERE!" pointing to the right side of the room. Then Miroku "YOU STAY THERE!" who was on the left side of the room. "AND YOU!" Shippo "YOU ARE EITHER SLEEPING NEAR SANGO OR KIRRARA!" Kaome yelled, "NOW EVERYONE GO TO SLEEP!" Kagome waited impatiently tapping her foot on the ground as she waited for everyone to go to their designated sleeping areas.

Kagome then grabbed her sleeping bag from her bag and walked to the back of the hut an put her sleeping bag on the floor and drifted off into a peaceful dream. While everyone else that night had a nightmare of a horrifying temperamental miko.

xXXNext MorningXXx

When the morning had arrived Kagome was awoken to the smell of delicious breakfast. She sat up from her sleeping bag and stretched trying to get the kinks from her back. "Ah ye have awoken child. Good morning to ye" Keade said stirring the food in the pot. Kagome turned to her and noticed that no one but her and Keade were in the hut "good morning Keade. Where is everyone?" Kagome asked.

"They already had their breakfast and went outside to wait for you to awaken but the strangest thing happened though" Keade said thoughtfully. "What do you mean?" Kagome asked her. Keade thought for a moment "once they woke up they seem to be very tense and stayed very quiet as if not to disturb something or someone" Keade looked at Kagome with a knowing look before turning to the food, "when I gave them their food they ate as fast as they could. Then left their bowls and made every excuse to leave." Kagome smiled a bit 'that should teach them to not to make so much racket' she smug at what she had accomplished.

"How was your sleep, Keade?" Kagome asked changing the subject. "The best sleep i had in ages!" Keade sighed happily. "Really!?" Kagome asked in disbelief. "Yes! There is this trick that I learned where you put cotton balls into your ears to block out any sound so your sleep isn't disturbed. I say child you should try it" Keade told her. 'Cotton balls are you serious!?' Kagome thought in disbelief. "Now then you must be hungry" Keade said as she poured some stew into a bowl and gave it to Kagome.

"Thank you" Kagome said, 'no wonder she slept so soundly' she thought eating her food. Keade turned to her fully and looked to her with a very serious expression. "There is something I must tell ye..."

xXXOutside HutXXx

Kagome walked out of the hut with a thoughtful expression after she had just spoken with Keade.


"Is it the only way?" Kagome asked. Keade nodded, "it can only be you. Only you can find the king" she said. But Kagome was confused why only her and not someone else it didn't make any sense. "But why me?" Kagome asked confusedly. Keade smiled thoughtfully at Kagome, "because you are of pure heart. Trust in your heart and you will find him" was the last thing Keade before sending her off with a goodbye so she could go find the others.


'Pure heart..' Kagome thought, 'what did she mean by that?' Kagome thought more and more about the conversation not knowing that her friends were a little ways from her not knowing if they should confront her or not.

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