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ME: Hey Loki!

LOKI: *whimper* what?

ME: Cheer up, its only some dares!

LOKI: Which is exactly what I am afriad of.

ME: But Liv is coming for this one!

LOKI: *pales* oh no....


LOKI: I'm just scared to see what this is all about.

LIV: *yells in Loki's ear* HI LOKI!!!!

LOKI: AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! *falls on butt*

LIV: I proposed this one to Kata and she liked it, so we decided to go with it. 

ME: Guess what? We're giving you a MAKEOVER!!!!!!!!!!

LIV: YEAH! Oh and by the way, my boyfriend is coming too... SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!!

SHERLOCK: Hello Liv. Hi Kata

LOKI: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not the weird one!

LIV: *growls* Don't call him weird. He's my precious....

LOKI: *whimpers* okay...

ME: ARAGORN! LEGOLAS! DO you have the clothes?

ARAGORN: Of course, Kata. We wouldn't miss this for the world!

ME: *takes out scissors, grinning maniacally* Now, for the makeover!

*Hours later*

 LOKI: that really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

ME: *eyes shining* *drool*

LIV: Wow! 

ARAGORN: Not bad...

LEGOLAS: *modeling clothes in mirror*

EVERYONE: *gives leggy a pointed glance*

LEGOLAS: Sorry... Looking good Loki!

SHERLOCK: Not bad for a maniacal serial killer...

ME: Farewell dearest readers! Until next time!

A/N Heres the link for what Loki loks like now! and don't worry, he can grow his hair back with magic...

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