Meeting our opposites (One Piece)

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"Cant you just relax a little for once luffy?" Nami released a sigh.

"Yeah, its nice not having our lives at risk each time" Usopp added.

"hmm" he mumbled. "But we're pirates! we live for adventure!" Luffy busted out sitting back up, he stretched his arms over his head. Yet off in the distance, a shimmer of multi colored lights caught his attention. 

"Nani?" the male squinted his eyes, his gaze fixated on the unknown lights. 

"OI!" he called out to the rest of his nakama and pointed in front for them to take a look themselves.

All stopped at what they were doing, getting up the walked on over to the south side of the thousand sunny, all were shocked at what they witnessed. The faint lights shifted in color, like light hitting the surface of liquid reflecting a mirage of colors. 

Nami, Usopp and Chopper all slowly yet nervously looked to luffy to see his reaction. The captain had that gleam in his eyes with his added signature grin. All three sweat dropped, hoping and secretly praying he didn't have a plan for them all to set sail in that course. 

"Lets check it out!, shishishi". Luffy requested.

As for the three who didn't, they fell onto their hands and knees in gloom. Only to anticipate the danger ready to arrive.....It was only typical for them to think in that manor, after all the Straw Hats were well known for trouble and getting involved with it all. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper regretting, as all others prepared to set course, letting down the sails. 

Each minute they were nearing the unknown light, but seeing past it was not possible. What layed beyond the lights? they all wondered. The ship came to a halt as Franky let loose the anchor. With everyone up close they stared with curiosity and amazement.

Nor, Robin or Nami had any knowledge of it. Robin had never read of such things in her books, and this was not something created by weather.  

The thousand sunnys head was so close in touching the surface. Eagerly Luffy stretched out his arm which went right though.

"L-LUFFY!" members of the ship yelled out startled, He retrieved his hand back perplexed. This time stretching out his neck to investigate what was on the other side.

two minutes had passed and all crew members waited in silence.

"w-whats taking him so long?" Chopper asked hiding behind Zoros legs.

"Luffy-san?" Brook called out, but was given no reply.

"Tch, lets pull him back" Zoro instructed to the rest.

Stepping at front Robin raised her arms leveled with her shoulders. She used her devil fruit powers are four arms sprouted beside Luffy, tugging him back, yet as the arms traveled their way down with luffys body, The captains neck stretched. His head remained in with the lights.


"n-nani? what happened to Luffy head?" Usopp asked fearful.

"Its still in that strange light" Sanji answered to Usopps question looking back to the front. He walked over with his hands pocketed in his black trousers, he hopped onto the sunnys head about to try and retrieve his captains head.

With a blink of an eye, their captains head bounced back knocking sanji overboard. "Gah!" the cook fell into sea.

yet all eyes were fixated on Luffy, His eyes wide open, and a grin featured on his face, His hair was completely soaked from what would seem like rain. His hair had become chaotic in a mess.

"...SUGOI!" Where the only words emitted from their captain.

"BAKA!" Nami scolded in a short rage whacking him on the head as a bump took shape. Sanji crept up from behind after rescuing himself from out the sea, his cigarette dripping with water and soggy, his eyes shadowed over. He slammed his foot down on Luffy head pissed "Bastard!" Soaked from head to toe Sanji snarled.

"OW" their captain wailed with pain rubbing at the newly bumps on his head as he pouted. 

"oi, Luffy. What happened to you in there?" The sniper questioned with wonder.

"heh.....You'll find out in a minute" Luffy's grin grew. "Hey Franky" Luffy signaled to the other to adventure in.

"Super!" He smirked with a thumbs up before hoisting the anchor back up, the ship sailing slowly into the light without a long enough warning for the others.

"w-we're actually going in?" Nami commented with nerves.

"Yeah!" Luffy nodded with excitment.

The ship had made it half way inside the lights and onto the other side. Rain battered down onto the ship, the skies clouded in near darkness. With yet the other side of the thousand sunny to pass through. The ship became top heavy plummeting down tipping over onto its top, falling though the sky.

"NANI?!" Nami, Usopp, chopper shrieked in fear floating as they fell with the ship, Robin used her ability, hands came through parts of the ship grabbing on tightly to everyone so no one was separated and kept secure.

"We're gonna die if we dont do something quickly!" Zoro announced.

"Hyaaa!" the others screamed, though Luffy enjoyed the ride laughing along as they fell.

"Yohohoho! we're going to die!" Brook exclaimed " already dead. Yohohoho!"

Robin had thought up of an idea, keeping herself steady. "Mil Fleur - Gigantesco Mano!" Dozens or arms formed at one end of the ship, a pair of hunormas hands formed, weighing one side of the ship heavier than the other. With the womans smart thinking the ship managed to keep topside up, instead of upside down.

"Smart thinking Robin!" Nami complimented.

"Robin-chwan~! Your amazing!" Sanji added, swooning over her.

"We're not out od danger yet" She remark, keeping low to the floor, as they continued to plummet from the sky.

Sinking lower and lower, the Ship collided onto the sea surface with a horrific smack. Water splashed high up into the air as everyone on the ship fell onto the deck. Great waves were created causing the Thousand sunny to be unstable rocking to one side and the other.

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed his hands by his hips he stood tall with his grin remaining. The waters had calmed though the skies were dark and it kept raining.

"AHO!" most members on the crew attacked at Luffy from being scared to near death almost losing their lives. Once done, they walked around the ship inspecting their surroundings leaving luffy on the ground beaten black and blue.

Nami sighed heavily "where the heck are we?"

"Eh? Nani" Franky spoke out peering off into the distance, A ship drifted towards them yet was too far for anyone to work out who it was.

"Is it the marines?" Chopper asked.

All stood to the west side of the ship, staring at what headed towards them. As the ship came closer into sight.....

what came next was unforeseen and left the crew speechless.

"Nani?! i-isnt that the....thousand sunny?!" Luffy struggled for words, he couldn't believe his eyes.



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