Sneak Peek!! "Go away, Nincompoop!"

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I woke up to screaming again.

So then, I decided to get some revenge, and I started screaming too.

My eyes fluttered open to a little boys face with his mouth wide open. He screams louder.

But guess what?

I can scream louder too.

"What is going on here?" my mother screams louder than both of us. I hadn't noticed her barge in my room, full of anger. Embarrassed,
my checks flush red.

We all stopped screaming.

"I had a bad dream and then she started screaming at me!" Kai sniffled, acting innocent. "Oh chicken nuggets! That's a lie and you know it, little man. You started screaming first and woke me from my precious sleep!"

Defeated, my devil little brother folded his arms and pouted. He knew that if he argued with me about my sleep, I would just argue louder. Plus he was wrong anyway.

"Both of you shut the heck up, I'm tired of screaming being the first thing I hear every morning. Why can't I just hear birds like a normal person?" Kai and I both got quiet. Lately, Mum has been more and more irritable and snappy. It doesn't help either that Kai has constantly been picking fights and arguing with me.

"Sorry, mum. It'll stop, I promise," I mumbled. Her dagger eyes were still in my mind, even after she stormed out of my room and slammed the door.

"Go away, nincompoop!" I shouted at my brother, desperate to be alone with my thoughts. Another pair of dagger eyes engraved themselves into my memory. I sighed as I heard my door slam shut for the second time this morning. It's not even eight o' clock yet and everyone is already mad at each other. Just great.

I hurried to the shower before I was seen by anyone, and before anyone beat me to it. Being in the shower with my thoughts was so calming. I started to cry, but tried to stop myself. Why do I even try to be happy anymore? Maybe this year will be different. It's the first day of school, no one has to know about my personal life. I'll just be the girl I always wanted to be. Maybe it will happen eventually. Also, maybe my dad is hopeful. He hasn't gone crazy yet, right?

"Riley?" A soft voice said on the other side of the bathroom door when I was finished with my shower. I quickly hurried to get my top on and opened the door. "Yeah?" Speak of the devil, it was my dad. His eyes twinkled when he saw me. "You were in there a long time. I was worried."

I smiled softly. He was as sweet as anyone could get, polar opposite of my mom. I think he is too scared to leave her. "Today's the first day of school, what do you say we get out of this house from now on? Instead of coming back here, I'll pick you up. We can stay with a buddy of mine, okay?"

Wait, what in macaroni and cheese is happening? Is he actually saying these words right now? "Are you serious?"

He nodded in a British accent.

I mean, he nodded.

It would be pretty cool if he could nod in a British accent.

Wait a minute, this is my story. I can do whatever I want!

He nodded in a British accent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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