Chapter 1:The Beginning of a Fairy Tail!

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Sorry this took SOOOOOOOOOOO long.I've been going through so much lately!!I promise I'll try to stay on top of my work.Anyways enjoy the chapter,which I also dedicate to CelestialStarMusic,my friend told me about your comment.Thank you so much!Episode above is the original.
With that said,enjoy!
Eve's P.O.V.
I wake up to the sun pouring in through the inn window.Sitting up,I rub my eyes and let out a quiet yawn.I look to my right,seeing my best friend still in bed,fast asleep.I giggle to myself, smiling.Hi everyone,my name is Eve,Eve-well,let's not go into full details.I'm 17 years old with brown hair and green eyes.The blonde one in bed is my friend Gavin.We're both traveling together.I use Eon Spirit Magic.I have 2 Bronze Keys and 2 Platinum.Eon Spirit Magic is similar Celestial Spirit Magic,just different spirits.Speaking of,I also know some Darkness Magic and Celestial Spirit Magic too.I don't have any Celestial keys though,yet.But that's why Gavin and I are in town,in search of a Magic shop.Oh,and as for Gavin,he's a Lightning Devil Slayer Wizard.He also knows all sorts of other magic too!Together,he and I have one dream,to join the infamous and crazy Fairy Tail guild!
Timeskip(Cuz I'm lazy)....
Nashi's P.O.V.
I honestly wanted to die!I was in a damn train,the LAST place I needed to be.Mom sent me to Hargeon to go pick up Zerena,my older sister.While on a S-Class job with Mavis Dreyar,the Master's oldest daughter,she injured her leg pretty bad.Mavis had to leave to get back to the guild early due to her promising to meet up with an unknown independent guild for some reason.She offered to stay but Zerena wouldn't have it.Seeing as how Drake was on a mission with Levi,William,and Calem,I was asked to go get her.Plus,I might be able to find dad too.Dad left with Aunt Erza and Wendy to finish their century quest along with Happy and Carla about 7 years ago,but we've only gotten letters from them.Hopefully,he'll come home soon,and I'll fight him to earn the title of Salamander.Cause let's just face it,Kaida(meaning little dragon)ain't cutting it for me anymore. "U-Um miss?Are you alright?" I heard the train conductor ask me. "Aye,don't worry this is normal for her." My exceed companion,Joy,says for me. "I hate these damn trains,I never wanna get on one of these hellholes again!" I manage to say.I get up and fling half of myself out the window.Joy steps out of the train car into the station "According to her letter,Zerena should be in this town."
"H-Hold up,let me breathe Joy." I weakly let out.Suddenly,I felt the train move. "NO!!!" I yell as I vanish down the tracks.
"There she goes again...." says Joy.
Timeskip (Cuz I'm lazy...)
Eve's P.O.V.
"WHAT?!Are you telling me that this is the only magic shop in this entire town?" I yell with question,Gavin standing at my side. "I'm afraid so.Not that many wizards travel through this town," says the shopkeeper,her face saddening. "Man,then I guess this trip was a big bust." Gavin says looking to me. "Aw,now don't be like that.I'm sure I have something you two might be interested in."
"What I'm looking for are Gate Keys." I say. "Gate Keys,that's an odd request.But,as a matter of fact.I do have two gate keys." The old shopkeeper says to her.She goes to the back room and rage comes back with two silver gate keys. "I have the keys of the Canis Minor and the Chisel.Now,I must say,these two spirits have been through a lot in their years." I began to feel sadness clouding eyes.I pull out my wallet. "How much will they be?"
Gavin's POV
"I still can't believe she didn't charge you for those keys!" I say. "They must've been through that much." Eve simply says to me.Suddenly,a large group of fanboys and fan girls run by them. "What the heck is going on?!" I start to wonder. "Haven't you heard?!Salamander and his daughter Kaida are in town!" A fangirl says as she runs by. "The Salamander and the Kaida are in this town?!" I say,quite surprised.
Nashi's P.O.V.
"I can't believe you left me on the damn train Joy!" I yell,obvious pissed off. "For the last time,I'm sorry!" The exceed responds. "Now I'm hungry." "Hate to break it to you Nashi,but we're broke." "Hey Joy,you think that I might run into dad here?" "I don't know,I haven't seen him in years."
"Ooo!It's Salamander and his daughter!" The two companions look to each other."Salamander and his daughter?!" The two start running. "Speak of the devil joy,our Zerena's found him!"
Gavin's POV
I stated there with amazement.There they were,Salamander and Kaida. I was hypnotized by the woman's beauty.My heart was beating so damn fast. Is!Have I found the one?
Then,a voice had interrupted my thoughts.
"Yo!Dad,Sis,its me!"
Suddenly,as if an arrow had struck,the hearts in Eve and I's eyes were shattered.There stood a girl about my age with long salmon pink hair and hazel eyes.Beside her,was a light blue cat.
"Who the fuck are you two?" She asks.The man and young woman just stare at them in shock.They soon make a quick recovery. "Why,we're the famous Salamander and Kaida.Surely you've heard of us before?" The pinkette shakes her head. "Nope." Salamander fangirls throw her into a trash heap outside a random door. "Ow goddamn it!" She mutters as she sits up. "Now now,there's no need for that ladies." The older male helps Nashi up on her feet.Then,he hands her an autograph of their signatures. "Here you go,now you can brag about it to your friends." "Yeah,hell no,thanks anyway." She says gruffly.Both fanboys and fangirls get enraged and they kick 'em to the curb. "Not them Nashi..." the cat says. "With that,I'm afraid we'll be leaving." The woman says. "Aw,are you really leaving?!" The fanclub asks.Gavin and Eve glare at the two.With a snap of their fingers,they're flying on fire(the spell is called Red Carpet). "We're having a party on our yacht tonight!And you're all WELCOME to come!" They shoot off and away.
Nashi's POV
"Gah,just who the hell were those creeps?" I ask to myself. "I know right?" I turn my head and see a brunette girl and a sandy blonde male beside her. "Thanks for the save by the way." I look at them,utterly confused."Here,let me help you up." The blonde sticks out his hand,in which I hesitantly put mine in his.He yanks me up off my feet and I dust myself off,muttering a quick thanks. "Ah-Hold still." He says. "Hm?" I look up,he pulls out a banana peel,which I guess came from when I got kicked into the trash. "There we go."
I blush.
Timeskip....(Joy:And then...)
Gavin's POV
We took the poor girl and her cat to a restaurant once figuring out they haven't eaten anything since they got here.The second the food was placed on the table,food went flying EVERYWHERE!
"S-So,Nashi and Joy was it?" I ask,hesitantly. "M-Mhm" She says,scarfing down her food. "N-Now don't worry,we're not in a rush...not to mention that there's food flying everywhere." Eve says,concerned. There goes the money I saved. I think to myself. "Back at the square,what the two wizards were using was Charm Magic.Charm magic makes the target fall in love with the user against their will.But those things are ancient,not to mention banned for years.I bet they went through a lot of trouble to get them." I explain. "We were complete victims to their spells but you got us out of that situation lickidy split!" Eve says with a grin.
(A/N:Did I spell that right?)
"No problem." Nashi says,munching on bread while Joy tears away at a fish. "We might not look like it,but we're wizards ourselves.But we're not in any guilds or anything like that." I say. "Is that so?"
"Yep.Oh,you know what a wizard guild is,right?" I ask.
"Mm-Yeah.Our family is in a guild.You aiming for one?" "Yep,the most popular of them all!Oh,if we got in that guild I think we'd die!" I realize that I'm rambling and I look back to them. "Oh,I'm sorry,I guess all this wizarding talk can bore some others.But I'm telling you,Eve and I are joining that guild some day." The cat looks over to the two of us. "You both talk a lot." She says in a dull tone. "Oh yeah,I almost forgot,you two were looking for someone,right?" Eve adds,remembering what they yelled the second they barged in.
"We're looking for Zerena." Joy says,finishing her fish.
"My sister sent a letter saying she'd be in town.She broke her foot on a job so our mom begged me to come help her see her way home.While on that damned train,I also heard a rumor about a certain Salamander in this town.Thinking it was my dad,we thought this trip wasn't a total bust after all.Turned out to be someone else." Nashi says,a disappointed look on her face.I couldn't help but frown.She probably hasn't seen her dad in years for all I knew.
"Yeah,sure didn't look like what you described Nana." Joy says sadly. "Yeah no kidding,I beat he couldn't eat fire like a real dragon." Eve and I become concerned. "I-I'm sorry.You're saying that your dad looks like a dragon?" Eve asks.
"Nah,you got it all wrong.He doesn't look like a dragon,he was raised by one."
"Yup.Nashi's the foster granddaughter of a fire-breathing dragon!"
"What?!And you thought that a man as reckless as that would be in this town?!" Eve says,flipping out. They open their mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "Are you serious?!" I exclaim.Placing down a few hundred jewel,Eve and I get up. "Well,it was nice meeting you.See ya around." I look back to Nashi,winking. "K?" Nashi blushed heavily. "Tch.Fine whatever."
Nashi's POV
Walking in the cold night I froze,even in my dad's jacket I was freezing cold.Joy was curled up with me as we stared out at the ocean.As for Zerena and Hope,it turns out that it healed quickly and Zerena took the train at early dawn. "I can't believe my friggin sister of mine." I mutter,pissed as ever. "Aw come on Nashi.All wounds heal up eventually." Sighing,I glance out at the ocean.Mom always wanted a family vacation to the beach.She said it brought back memories before she married dad.
"Hey,isn't that the boat where the two fakes are having that party?" I shudder at the word boat. "I think I might hurl." I say to myself. "Aw,come on Nashi chill out.Like I'd make you get on a boat."
"Aw no way,is that Salamander's yacht?"
We turn to see three teens(2 girls and one boy) staring out at the ocean.
"It sure is.Man I wish we got invited.That way big bro could hang with Kaida."
"H-Hey,shut it you two."
"Wait,who's Salamander again?"
"Come on,you know him,he and his daughter are famous wizards from Fairy Tail!"
My eyes widen. Fairy Tail?
I turn back to the ocean,only to shudder once again.
So they're in Fairy Tail,are they?
Gavin's POV
I sat inside a private room with Kaida,her father pouring three glasses of wine.If we kept our mouthes shut about their charm spell,they'd get us into our dream guild.However,Eve and I still had our sense of judgment.While Eve ran to inform the nearby army,I went ahead.When I arrived I told them that Eve's mother had arrived.They didn't believe me at first,so,pulling out my Phone Lacrima,I called her and proved our case true,changing their mind.
(A/N:They're not as stupid as they were going to be.After getting a call from her daughter about conning a con,her mom was on board.Using her voice change magic,she managed to fool them.Bottom line;Eve's got a badass mom.)
"Again,It's a shame you're friend couldn't attend." Kaida says. "I know,right?She gives her thanks to you however,Mr.Salamander."
Saying nothing,he nods and leaves elsewhere. "So it's Gavin,right?" She asks.
"Uh yeah...right." She stands. "Then I'd like to make a toast to our meeting.If it's alright with you." I smile. "But of course." I stand as well,we raise our glasses.
"To the future for us wizards.May we savor each flavor of this fine that we shall taste." This girl gives me the creeps!Keep it together now Gavin.. 
As I raise the glass to my lips,I glance to her,quickly pouring it into a flower pot. "Just what doing you think you're trying to pull here,sweetheart?" I say sternly. "You tried using sleep magic." The woman before me chuckles. "Impressive,you're smarter than you look." "Look,I don't want to give you the wrong idea,yes,Eve and I really wanna join Fairy Tail,but I'm not going to date you to make that happen."
"Gee,aren't you a handful." She smirks.With a snap of her fingers,curtains pull back,revealing big,hairy men with a bunch of unconscious men and women.Leading them,is none other than 'Salamander' himself. "What's going on here?!"
"Welcome aboard my ship.It'd be wise to behave yourself before we arrive in Bosco.Don't make me and brother angry."
"We're going to Bosco?!You said that Eve and I would get into Fairy Tail!"
"She only said that to get you and Evie to come.I guess she gets to stay here and you get to go.Lucky you."
I growl under my breath.
"How could you?!You son of a-" I prepare to use my my magic,however, my arms are restricted,my left with a rope held by "Kaida",my right held by "Salamander".
"Nice try cutie.But'll take more than Devil Slayer magic to stop us." The witch says,handing my ropes to her henchmen.
"Now,to Bosco!" Tears form in my eyes. "You rotten fiends.You used magic to take advantage of others.Is this the way of a Fairy Tail Wizard?!" I say enraged.Suddenly,there's a huge crash.
Nashi's POV
After Joy dropped me,I crashed through the boat top. "Hey,its you!" Gavin's tears free from the ropes,freeing his wrists.The boat rocks a bit and I try not to hurl. "Seriously?!" The group of villains just stand there,dumbfounded. "Ey,Gavin!" He looks up to see Joy with wings. "Hey Joy,these two cons tricked me and Eve!Thank god she's not on the boat,hey wait a sec,when did you have wings?!" He asks. "I can't answer that right now!" With her tail linked around his waist,Joy and Gavin's take to the skies. "Wait,what about Nashi?!" He yells to her. "I can't carry two people at once!" She exclaims.
"We can't let them reach the Magic council!" Says the bitchy bluenette. "Let me handle this dear." The man says. "Prominence Whip!" Magenta flares are sent out at Gavin and Joy,who quickly dodge them. "Damn that cat is fast."
Back to Gavin's POV
"Hey,uh Gavin,there's something I should tell you."
"That being?" I say,glancing at the cat.
Her wings poof away. "My transformation is up." We fall back,crashing in the ocean.I swim back up to the surface. "Alright,time to play dirty!" I stick out my left hand.In my hand was one of Eve's Eon spirit keys,the key to Lunala.I nicked it off her just in case something went wrong.
"Alright...uh...Open..Gate of the Moon Princess..Lunala!" I say.Soon enough,there she was,standing in the water as if she were friggin Jesus Christ.

Fairy Tail:Next Generation Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now