Love Spells

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I'm in a romantic mood so here are 5 love spells for anyone that's single or a lonely piece of trash like me. <3

Love Guidance *Strongest during a full moon*

Go outside at night when the moon is full and the sky clear, prick your finger and scatter a few drops of blood around, chant these words

"O sacred moon
Watch over me from above
Accept this offering
And may your light guide me to
My one true love"

Love chant *Works best when looking at the person*

Say this as much as you feel needed. You should at least say it 5-10 times or more.

O, thee all of love, lead (their first and last name) close to me. Let me love her/him, and let her/him love me. Let us kiss, please, thee of love, and let us love each other, until our death, please, I beg from thee heart, O, worthy ones, let me love (their first and last name) forever. I so mote to be!

Love potion

Warning this potion is for serious lovers only


Orange Juice
Spring Water
Rose Water
Nutmeg Oranges
1 Pink Candle

1. First, use the ingredients to blend a refreshing drink. Make sure that you don't overdo the nutmeg. Also, ingredient proportions depend on you and your lover to- be's liking.
2. Next, light the candle next to your potion and say "Oh Goddess Aphrodite, This Is The One For Me, Now Help Him/Her To See, His/Her Heart Belongs To Me"
3. Now give the potion to your lover-to-be and some for yourself. After you drink the WHOLE CUP then stare into each other's eyes.

Crush Chant


1 white cnadle

Have a crush on someone? Use this spell to show them how much you love them through their dreams.

This spell is to be cast at night just before you go to sleep.


"With dreamers eyes I wish you to see Just a little piece of me
All my love for you is real
Reveal to you as is my will"

Blow out the candle when finished

A simple spell to attract love
This quick-and-easy love spell required only a handful of rose petals (preferably given to you by a friend or loved one, so they're already imbued with good energy). Take them outside your house or apartment and scatter them on the walkway leading to your home, while you say aloud:

"Love find your way
Love come to stay!"

Continue repeating the incantation until you reach your door. Save one rose petal to carry with you as a talisman to encourage love to follow you into your home.

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