5 - Party Dramas

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God I hate Felicity. She's always so pressuring.

It's currently 5:30pm and I'm getting ready for Louis' stupid party. If I was gonna go to a party it'll be something interesting. Not some lame bullshit like this.

"I'm ready!" Felicity struts into the room and does a spin in her ridiculously revealing cocktail dress.

"You have got to be kidding me." I drop my beauty blender and flop my arms down to the table. "That outfit is literally screaming 'have sex with me, I'm desperate!'" I mock her, throwing my arms expressively in the air.

"That's the point." She rolls her eyes. My jaw drops as I roll my eyes abruptly back and pick up my beauty blender again and harshly beat my face with the thing.

"Woah chill." Felicity runs over to me and snatches the beauty blender out of my grasp mid-beat, making me basically punch myself in the cheek.

"Ouch..." I say, rubbing my now sore cheek.

"Oi. You look cute and all but like not cute enough-" Felicity starts.

"Gee. Thanks." I roll my eyes and attempt to begin my eyeshadow.

"I'm doing your makeup." She snatches the eyeshadow brush from my grasp and I stare at her in complete disgust.

"Are you serious? Tonight is already gonna be enough torture and now you're trying to do my makeup? Yeah. No. I'm okay." I fold my arms and give her a malicious look.

"Look. Dawn and Nate are coming in 25 minutes and you know for a fact there's no way you're getting out of this. Rather then causing an argument over something inevitable you may as well just suck it up now and deal with it." Felicity scorns. I stare at her with wide eyes and huff.

"Fine- fuck okay!" I throw my arms out in a hissy fit and spin my chair around to face her.

"Aw yay thanks!" She giggles and begins my makeup. Geez, this girl man...

After only 20 minutes she completed my makeup- I know what you're thinking. How the flipping hell did she manage to do her makeup in such little time? Well in Felicity's defence I had already completed my base- except contour, so all that was left contour, eyes and lips. Oh and she layered on like a ton of highlighter so I can be seen from space obviously.

"Done!" Felicity smiles. "Now go get that dress on."

Felicity steps out of my room and shuts the door behind her. I put on the dress hesitantly paired with a pair of old school vans. Feeling slightly unhappy with my appearance I step out of my room to be greeted with a squeal.

"Babe! You look so fucking good!" Nate squeals and runs up to me, engulfing me in a hug. "Who knew you could look like this! Look at your face! Your gorgeous dress! Your- oh bitch. No get those vans off." Nate grabs my shoulders.

"But they're the only thing that makes me feel like me." I groan.

"Too bad. Come with me." Nate grabs my arm and pulls me into my room. He takes me to the bed and commands me to stay there and take off my vans.

Reluctantly complying I take them off and throw them towards him, making him scoff in disgust as he throws a pair of black thigh high boots at me.

"Nate no-"

"Shut up. No ifs, buts or maybes. You are putting those boots on wether you like it or not. Tonight is where we all go full thot. Own it sister!" Nate struts out of the room.

What the fuck is up with everyone being so bossy today? Growling, I put on the boots and crossed my arms angrily, walking out of my bedroom to greet everyone in my annoyed state.

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