7: Make Me

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A/n: OMG, how many chapters would we count till epilogue?

3 or 8?

PLEASE COMMENT DOWN. I'm freaking out on this really simple situation (call me abnormal) because I need the "perfect" scene for the epilogue. Thanks once again,



"Let's go," I said as we all went down to the car.

All of a sudden we heard a 'beep' from our right and we all turned our heads to a limousine that looked too familiar... please tell me that it isn't him.

The window scrolled down showing one face...

Bentley Frazier.

"I may not be a pick-up taxi or something but... here I am," he announced, matching it with a sly smirk.

But hey, why is he here again?

"Come on guys," I said while fiddling my car keys but the limousine just let out a honk.

"Uhh, no. Father sent me to this-" then he shrugged "-place... to pick you up," he said.

Then there was a sudden silence, geez it's so awkward.

"I'm not buying it," I simply said to break the silence but he went down the limo and pulled me.

"Nah-uh, you're coming or father will kill me!" Bentley yelled.

"It's better if he kills you anyway," I retorted but his grip never let my arm go loose.

"Get in the limo," he commanded.

"Make me," I retorted again.

Then a girl, a guy, and an idiot just stood there, watching... not knowing what to do.

I gave them a sharp glare, so they just flinched.

"Are you going or not?" He plainly asked.


"There is no one who will make me atleast touch the limo... or worst, ride in it."

We exchanged smirks, and I got to admit, I don't like where this is even going to... but two can play in this game.


Ego destroyed.

For goodness' sake, what I thought was Destiny's lie.

Bentley's key was Jordan. He lured him with food so he pulled all three of us and yanked us in...

Then he finally realized that he fell for  it.

Here we are again, sitting in one of the seats of this stupid limo.

I had to cringe at the memory but...  nah, act natural Bennett.

"So... tea?" Bentley offered but I simply ignored it.

"Nah, I'm not fancy," Jordan said as he rejected.

"No thanks," Declan answered.

"I'm not thirsty," Naomi replied.

Leaving me... the only one to answer.

"I'll take that as a no," Bentley said as he poured some tea in his cup.

Thanks to the guy upstairs.. I'm free from talking.

"Hey Bennett, why are you silent again?" Jordan exclaimed all of the sudden.

Declan rolled his eyes again and Jordan gave him his "what?" card.

"Aren't you used to silent guy?" Bentley said while catching a glimpse of my reaction.

But I didn't react, as if I can't hear them anyway.

"I guess Jordan never got used to it," Naomi replied... and Jordan again gave his "what?" Card.

"There's our stop," Bentley announced as the limo door went open and camera flashes met with us as we all stepped out.

I plainly walked on that classy red carpet with hands in my pockets.

Hey, that rhymes.

Jordan grinned widely as he walked and Declan elbowed his stomach causing him to 'oof' and Naomi simply walked, not minding most cameras.

You know what to expect on Bentley.

Posing at cameras, stopping step by step.

"This is awkward," I whispered to myself.

The doors opened and the three people behind me jaw dropped and the other one smirked... and I kept a neutral face when I saw another face

Benedict Frazier

"Welcome back son," he greeted but I just gritted my teeth.

I swore to myself that day that I'll never return to this stupid place ever again...

Unfortunately I disobeyed that... twice.

"Don't you want to give your father atleast one hug?" He said and smiled like he did miss me...

But I can't even feel it, nor see it in his eyes.

I scoffed and smirked at him and replied, "You're not just wrong... you're pathetic."

"Bennett!" The three people behind me scolded and I just rolled my eyes.

Fine, fine.

"We're only here because someone-" then I shot a glare at Bentley, "-dragged us to this place, so if you just invited us here for a hug-"

Then I stepped forward and glared at him, "-you just made us waste time."

"Now hold on a second, I'm still you're dad and you-"

"-are just the heir of the freaking Frazico company, yes. We already know that," I said and tilted my head a bit.

"Uhm, I'm sorry to interrupt but we might as well 'go' inside before all of this flashes in the news?" Naomi piped in.

I just nodded and we all went in the place filled with tables, fancy people, fancy stuff, and more fancy people.

"So, shall we eat the fine cooked dishes right now?" Jordan asked.

"I don't know... Bennett?" Declan said and the three looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Go ahead," I said and they gave me a big ear-reaching smile before they raced down the buffet table.

I was about to walk there until someone yanked me by my shoulder.

"Nuh-uh," Bentley said while waving his pointing finger at me.

"You must dance with the guests," he said formally while I glared at him.

"I'm not dancing with those high-heeled frea-"

"-whether you like it or not, you're still dancing," he said and pulled me to the dance floor.

I saw women in high heels, women in overdone gowns, and men in high heels...

Wait... what?

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