Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.

Start from the beginning

  "I'm not. I broke up with you. Are you forgetting that?"  I say and he lets out a hefty laugh, rubbing his hands through his hair he paces around the room frustratingly. What the hell was so funny?

  "That was dumb of you because you wasted your time telling me you were done. You're not done yet Toby and I'm sure of that. You may have broken up with me but I haven't with you." He says and his last sentence has me feeling soft and warm. Stop, you're suppose to be mad. Be mad, be mad, be mad.

  He walks over to me and sits on the bed, he grabs on to my thigh and he squeezes it. "I'm lucky to have a friend like King. I'm also very lucky that he went to that club and that he took you back to his room and forced his roommate out just so you could sleep." He states and I sigh relief. I didn't sleep with King and hopefully he didn't see me naked... again.

  Cade leaned in so close that we were swapping breaths and he looked at my lips and then my eyes. With his hand still squeezing my thigh he says through gritted teeth, "If you ever do shit like that again I'll punish you."

  Did he just go full blown Christian Grey on me? "I'm not afraid of you Cade." I say looking into his eyes and he grins releasing his grip from my thigh.

  "You aren't?"

  "No." I'm wondering where this sudden burst of confidence came from when minutes ago I was waiting for the earth to open and swallow me. Maintaining his grin he leans out of my personal space and I can now relax.

  He stands up and takes out his phone, his fingers tap away and I wonder what the hell is going on. After he is finished he shift his gaze towards me and flashes a 32 watt grin. Okay now I was afraid. My lies are coming back to bite me in my ass. Please don't leave any marks.

  His phone vibrates and he walks over to the door and I feel releaved that he was about to leave. Lord if I don't thank you enough I'd like to send a million thank yous to you right now.

  He doesn't leave but he locks the door and he turns around with no expression on his face. I gulp audibly and he starts removing his jacket. Does he think I was going to have sex with him now? He has another thing coming.

  I dashed off the bed fast and headed for the bathroom. Not today Banks I'm still pissed about everything with Abby. I reach safely in the bathroom and as I'm about to lock the door he puts his hand on it preventing me from closing it.

  I use all my strength with the weight of my body to try and force the door shut but Cade just stood there holding the door open effortlessly. Why am I so weak? I ask myself before giving up on my stupid plan.

  Moving away from the door quickly I made my way to a safe area in the bathroom so the door wouldn't slap me as it swung open. Cade looks more mad than pleased and I wished I'd never move.

  He assesses my body with his eyes. I cover my naked body and he walks closer to me. "Stop." I demand but he ignores me and doesn't stop until his body is pressing on to mine.

  "Why did you do it Toby?" He says placing his hand under my chin and lifting my head up so he can see into my eyes. His eyes search mine and I can feel a pain in my throat as I feel the pain behind my reason for drinking.

  "Talk to me Toby."

   "The fact that Abby is having twins, th-"

  "Wait. How did you know about Abby having twins?"

  "You said it when you were drunk." I say and he looks at me with an expressionless face then he sighs.

  "Go on."

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