Chapter 22- I Love You.

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  After we went out that night we have been going out every night for the past two weeks. We manage to keep our relationship a secret during this time.

  Abby went away to see her family back home in the space of that two weeks and its been two months since I've first moved into Cade's room. Time really does fly fast. I've decided that even if the baby is for Cade I'd stay no matter what, I've made up my mind and that's how its going to be.

  Cade and I have been dating for two weeks and three days and to be totally honest it has been the best two weeks of my relationship life. Its getting harder to keep the secret because we can't seem to keep our eyes off each other. We are smitten for each other but I guess that's how the "honeymoon phase" is. Right?

We've been sneaking kisses here and there and he's gotten a lot more touchy feely.

   I'm awoken by kisses all over my face. I slowly open my eyes and Cade is the culprit. "Good morning hot stuff." I said smiling at him. "Good morning bombshell." He retorts and grins.

  I look over at his bed and its perfectly made. Its been a week since his bed has been like that. "Your bed is pretty neat." I said sarcastically and he laughs.

  "Yeah it is isn't it? Do you want us to sleep over there sometimes?" He teases and I giggle. "Maybe we should." I said.

  "I have plans for us later. Dinner date." He says smiling. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I want to show you something that means a lot to me. Don't bother asking what it is because you won't know until later."

  "That's not fair."

  "Life isn't fair baby." He teases, he then leans down to kiss me and I welcome his kiss. While he's kissing me, his hand that  was under my tank massages my breast. See touchy feely.

  He slowly slides his hand down to the waste of my shorts and my heart starts racing, I felt a lot of tingling in my stomach as his hand slid into my shorts. Chills came into the mix and the kiss started to deepen. His hand cups my sex through my underwear and then he started to rub me, I break the kiss to catch my breath and he looks at me with widened eyes.

  "What's wrong?" He asked with a worried look on his face. "Nothing. Just trying to catch my breath." I said then smiled and he smiles back at me.

  I pull his head closer to me and start kissing him again, he starts climbing over to get on top of me and I open my legs for him to put his body between them. 

  He starts kissing my neck then he trails kisses down to my breast. He lifts my top up exposing my breast, he looks at them as my nipples stand at attention a smile forms on his face and he looks at me. I return the smile nervously and he leans down putting his mouth around my nipple, he starts sucking and I moan a little. He moves over to my other breast and massages the other, I begin fisting my hands in is hair and soft moans escape my lips. 

  Is it really going to happen now? Are we really going to have sex? The way he handles my body now has me hoping we do. If foreplay is this good imagine the sex.

  He starts trailing kisses down my body and with ever kiss my heart beats faster and there are different sensations.

  "Mmm." I sound out and he starts pulling down my shorts. I jolt my head up and I stare at him with widened eyes, Cade stops and he stares at me with a confused look. I just realized that I didn't tell him that I never had sex before.

  "Too much?" He asked and I pull my tank down to cover my breast and then I sit up in my bed and plant my head in my hands. "Toby what's wrong?" He asked putting his hand on my knee.

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