Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.

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I've never given much thought  to how I would die.

And I've never thought there would come a time  I'd quote Bella Swan.

With that all said and done I've never thought I would be quoting both Bella Swan and Violet Landon at the same time. But perhaps in my mind and current situation I presume I'd face the same fate as they thought they were about to face.

  Cade walks over to me and King closes the door. My heart is beating so fast it feels like its about to go into overdrive. Cade was shooting death glares at me and I could feel every one stab into me. His gaze was like the bad boy wanted a table that was crowded and all he had to do was give them one look and they all scatter.

  As he stands to the side of the bed he sighs and angry sigh and I feel like I'm about to have an allergic reaction, my skin felt like it was about to break out in hives and my throat felt like it was going to close off and I was going to pass out from the lack of air.

  Just yell at me damnit! Help me get over my overactive mind.

  "What the fuck were you thinking?" He says through gritted teeth and I squeeze the life out of the sheets that I was holding up to my chest. That was if the sheet was alive and had a life to lose. I wasn't even thinking and I'm still not thinking now because I can't respond to his question.

  "Okay. Now isn't the time to give me the silent treatment Toby." He says my name with such anger and I just stare at him like a child who was afraid to get spanked.

Silent treatment?! What?! Can he not see that my face is white due to the blood loss? Can he not hear my heart beating right now? Oh my God! Has my heart stopped?

  "Toby how the fuck did you end up here?"

  "I don't know." I respond to this one fast because I really don't know. How the fuck did I end up here? Where the hell were my friends? How could they let me do this? Some friends they are. I'm pulled from my internal war when Cade laughs. Laughing is good right? I laugh nervously with him and he stops. Okay laughing isn't good.

  "You break up with me, block me and end up naked in my friend's bed. Who are you?"

  "Toby." I say then bite my tongue. What was wrong with me? Why did I say that? The last thing I want was for him to think I was finding fun in this entire situation.

  "Really? Because the Toby I know would never do something like this."

"That's exactly what I thought." Oh God. Someone give me a knife, put me out of my misery, cut out my tongue.

  "I'm not fucking around Toby! Now seriously isn't the time for your wise crack! I feel like I'm wasting my damn time faking love with someone else for my real love who's turned into a whore in less than 24 hrs." Excuse me? A whore? The nerve!

  "I'm not a whore! Get that in your head!"

  "You're not?! Then what the fuck do you call this?!" He yells and I hold my head down, this behavior seemed the way he saw it but I had no idea what I was doing.

  "King calls me to tell me that he pulled you away from some guy that was sucking on your neck. After he pulls you away you try to kiss him and when he took you here you started taking off all of your clothes. Explain to me what that  behaviour is Toby because maybe I've got this all wrong."

  I did what?! Did someone slip me ruffies or ecstacy?  That is defiantly not me and I feel wrong for everything. But why? I broke up with Cade he had no right to be yelling at me.

  "Why the hell are you even yelling at me?!" Yeah turn the tables, put him on the spot.

  "Why the hell am I yelling at you?! Why?! Why wouldn't I?! You're my girlfriend I have every fucking right to yell."

Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UNEDITED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن