"Promise?" Lexi smiled kissing him tenderly

"Promise" Daryl smiled, kissing her back.

Hearing vehicles coming down the drive, Daryl and Lexi giggled uncontrollably trying to find their clothes and get dressed.  Watching Daryl run out the screen door to meet their helpers, Lexi grabbed the bleach cleaner and began cleaning off the counter top, they're going to need to buy stock in this stuff, she giggled to herself.  Watching the men carry in the furniture, pointing to where she wanted everything, Lexi couldn't believe this was her life and how happy she was.  After everything was in, Daryl grabbed some beer and sat on the back deck and relaxed with everyone that had helped.  Making her and Daryl's bed and poking her head in to see how Jane was coming with Luke's, the two women chatted while Jane helped Lexi put things away.  Saying goodnight to everyone as their company left, Lexi and Daryl happily tucked Luke into his new bunk bed who was thrilled with everything in his life.  Sighing contently as Daryl wrapped his arms around her after hours of lovemaking, Lexi couldn't imagine anything better.


After a couple of months of settling in their new house, Lexi and Daryl fell into a comfortable routine.  Getting Luke on and off the bus for school, making dinner and running the house, Lexi finally felt like she belonged somewhere.  Watching the snow fall softly out the window, Lexi was beside herself with excitement knowing she would be giving Daryl and Luke their Christmas presents in two days. She had worked it out with Merle and one of his friends were keeping the four wheelers for her until Christmas eve.  After they were gone and at Daryl's parent's house for dinner, Merle's friend would deliver the vehicles and leave them in Daryl's work garage.  Not only that, she had another gift for Daryl and she really couldn't wait to give it to him.  Seeing the school bus rumble down the road, Lexi grabbed her coat and walked down the drive to wait for Luke.  Seeing him get off the bus with all smiles Lexi couldn't help but to smile back.

"Mom!  We had a Christmas party and I had cupcakes and fruit punch and M&M's..." Luke said excitedly

"Hmmm I can tell you're pretty sugared up" Lexi laughed "C'mon, lets get inside, I'm freezing!"

Running back to the house and running inside, Lexi got Luke his after school snack and a hot cup of cocoa.  Listening to how his day was, Lexi watched out the window and smiled seeing Daryl's truck pull in the drive.  Taking the lid off of her spaghetti sauce to stir it a bit, Lexi smiled at Daryl who had walked into the kitchen.

"Mmmmm spaghetti" Daryl said sniffing the pot, trying to stick his finger in for a taste but getting a smack from Lexi. "You're as bad as my mom" Daryl grumbled.

Finishing making dinner as Daryl sat and listened to Luke and his day, Lexi couldn't help but be antsy and distracted by everything she had planned for Christmas.

"Hello?" Daryl said, waving his hand in front of her face.

"Oh sorry" Lexi grinned "Just thinking about everything I need to get done before Christmas eve"

"Luke, will you run upstairs and grab me my slippers?" Daryl asked

"Sure dad" Luke said, pushing his plate back and heading for the stairs.

"I got the puppy" Daryl whispered as soon as Luke was out of earshot.  "The mom and dad were rescues and both are purebred yellow labs."

"Oh honey!" Lexi said gasping "He's going to lose his mind!"

"I know" Daryl grinned "I have to pick it up Christmas eve, I figure we can do that after we have dinner at my parents"

Lexi tried thinking if that would hurt her plans for her gifts for him at all.

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