3.Who is your Bias?

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A/N You have probably noticed but I am going to put songs at the top of the chapter so you can listen and read as I really like doing that when I am reading.

After Dino ran away after Jeonghan it was really awkward is the room.

Then Woozi finally spoke and told him to follow him so we did.

Once we got to the living room everyone was here except Jeonghan as he is making the food and Vernon as he is getting dressed.

"What do you want to do while we are waiting" asked Seungkwan.

"TRUTH OR DARE" shouted Hoshi and Dino.

"I don't rea...." Kat cut me off before I could continue "YES" she shouted then they all sat down in a circle.

I decided to escape but a arm grabbed mine.

"Get in the circle missy" Kat said.

"Yes mum" I replied looking down.

We have been playing for about 10 minutes and so far Hoshi had to put honey all over his face while we stick things on it and Joshua had to do a belly dance.

Unluckily next in line was me.

Wonwoo was the one who asked truth or dare and being the wuss I am I choose truth.

"Who is your bias in seventeen" He said with a menacing smile on his face.

I started blushing really hard while looking down and all the boys were laughing.

"Its... Vernon" I said quietly. Everyone screamed.

"Yeah she is totally in love with him, its all she talks about" Kat shouted at the top of her voice and the screaming continues but suddenly everyone went quiet.

I turned around and I saw..


Vernon's (POV)

After that embarrassing meeting with Y/N I got ready and did my hair.

After about 10 minutes I was done and my hair was a bit wet but I just put it under a hat.

I was about to walk into the living when I heard something interesting.

"Who is your bias" I heard Wonwoo say , I peaked my head around the corner and saw he was talking to Y/N.

I saw her looking down,blushing.


Wait what did I just say.

She was about to speak but she stopped for a couple of seconds obviously nervous "Its...Vernon" she said quietly.

I was quite surprised but I didn't realise a smile crept apon my face.

I then heard Kat shout "Yeah she is totally in love with him, its all she talks about" and that when I stepped out from behind the wall.

Everyone stopped talking when they noticed me.

She starred at me for a few seconds in disbelief then she finally had the courage to say something.

"How long have you been there" she asked worriedly.

"Since Wonwoo asked you the question" I replied with a sweet smile on my face.

"Oh..." she replied looking down.


When I finally got the courage to say something I did.

"How long have you been standing there" I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

"Since Wonwoo asked you the question" he replied cheerfully.

Thankfully Jeonghan came in and told us dinner is ready so everyone except me stood up and went to go get the food.

I suddenly felt a hand on my back and I looked up to see Jeonghan with a worried look on his face.

"Are you ok?" he asked in a sweet voice.

"Well not really" I replied.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Well we were playing truth or dare when Wonwoo asked me who my bias was, but the thing is I didn't even tell Kat for a month and we have been best friends for 8 years but I finally said it not realising Vernon was behind me the whole time" I rant then for some reason I burst into tears.

Jeonghan gave me a comforting hug and told me it would be okay and we could sort it out.

"OMG Y/N" I heard Kat shout, I then heard her run over to me and Jeonghan passed me to her.

"Y/N I am so sorry I shouldn't of asked that question" I heard Wonwoo say then run over to me as well.

"Its okay it wasn't your fault I am just being a cry baby" I said in between sobs.

"But Y/N you rarely cry , you always have a smile on your face" Kat whined.

"Its okay I'm fine now" I said wiping the tears from my face , luckily I didn't have makeup on as I wiped it off earlier .

"Okay lets start again and forget anything happened" Vernon said.

"Yeah lets go eat" Shouted a hungry Dino.

"Okay" I chuckled while watching Dino eat hastily.

A/N So that's it for this chapter don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed.


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