2.The Dorm

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A/N I have been obsessed with this song recently so check it out
Also please comment as I like reading comments, thank you :)

"WHAT!" you and Kat shouted as you couldn't believe what you just heard.

"But I though you had to go through two more auditions before being allowed to stay in a dorm as a trainee "Kat said really fast.

"Well that is the case for normal auditions but the thing we didn't tell you is that 10 lucky people who we thought did the best gets to become trainees right away".

"OH MY GOD" Kat and I shouted at the top of are voices.

" Go get your stuff and come back when you are ready, we will be in the car" said one of the two guys.

"Excuse me sir but what are your names" I asked politely.

"Well I am Kang Dae""and I am Dae ho" said the two guys(A/N they are random names so they do not mean anything).

"Nice to meet you Kang Dae and Dae ho" me and Kat said then bowed.

We ran inside and that is when I realised that my hair was still wet from the shower and I had no makeup on.

"Dammit" I mumbled under my breath. I quickly got everything ready and did my hair and makeup and ran to the car.

I am finally going to be a idol.

Vernon's POV

Our manager came in this morning saying their is going to be a new trainees and five of them are girls! I was in my room picking out a outfit as I need to make a good impression on them. I  suddenly remembered I haven't had a shower for two days, ew I stink, I better go take a shower .

(Sorry for short POV)


I woke up by Kat gently shaking my shoulder signalling we were here.

As me and Kat got out the car we said are goodbye to Kang Dae and Dae Ho and went inside.

The place looked way more posh and expensive then I thought it would.

As I was looking around the room I suddenly felt Kat pull my arm.

"Come on lets go to our dorm" Kat said quickly.

"Ok lets go" I said while running with her.

When we got to the reception we said who we are and the laddie gave us the keys to the dorm.

Apparently we are going to be sharing it with 3 other people who will be our bandmates.

"What is the room number unnie" I asked Kat.

"It is number 99" Kat answered.

"Ok cool" I said as we continued walking.

As we got to the door we realised it was open so we walked in.

The dorm was kind of messy so we assumed the other girls were here already. 

We split up to look in the rooms but as I opened the door I say something I thought I would never see.


We both screamed and I turned around then I saw 12 boys and Kat run into the room in which I screamed again.

"AHH Hyung its a sasaeng fan get her"(A/N Sasaeng fans are like stalker fans) Shouted Dino while clinging to S.Coups.

"Were not sasaeng fans" we shouted back.

"Ok everybody stop shouting and you guys tell me who you are and what you are doing here" Says the mum aka Jeonghan calmly.

"I am  Y/N and this is Kat , we are new trainees here and our key says this is our dorm" I said shakily as I was talking to 12 extremely cute boys.

"Let me see your keys" S.Coups said.

Kat gave him the keys and he starts laughing like a maniac.

"What is it" Hoshi asked.

"It says number 66 not 99 you idiot" S.Coups said while still laughing.

"Oh..." Me and Kat said then looked down.

"Sorry for intruding we will be going now" I said quietly while walking out the door.

"Wait" Someone shouted and as I turned around I realised it was Vernon but he had a shirt on this time.

"After I finished getting ready we were going to go ask you to come over for lunch but since you are here already why don't you just stay?" he asked pleadingly.

"Um .. ok" Kat answered cheerfully before I could say anything.

"Great I will go finish making the food" Says Jeonghan before walking out of the room.

"FOOD" Shouted Dino quickly walking behind Jeonghan.

A/N Okay soo that is it for this chapter and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed.

BYE :)

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