Part 5

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Here Sikky was searching for Madhu on the way he found Tara lying injured. He went to her and asked

"Tara!! What happend ?? Where is Madhu di??" Tara groaned in pain.

Sikky understood that madhu was in danger, he did not know what to do.

Atlast he thought he must go to Rishab for help, he went to the palace.

The guards stopped him "I have got to meet Prince Rishabh right now".

One of the guards said "I will inform him!". Soon he was called in with due respect

Rishabh was surprised on seeing him

"Sikky!! What happend ??"

"Rishabh, when i went to home today after selling the vegetables, Madhu di wasnt at home I waited for some time she dint come back So i decided to search for her but I found Tara injured. I am sure Madhu di is kidnapped or in some major problem as tara never goes out alone and she never leaves us when we go for a walk".

Rishab was surprised ,he looked at sikky and shouted in horror

"Madhu and kidnapped"

"Yes I have searched for her everywhere and dint find her . I thought it were the soldiers so i came to you".

Rishab got up and said

"This cant be happening. Dad has cancelled the orders to catch madhu, I am coming with you right now !!"

"Where are you going my son ??" King Mohans voice was heard .

Rishab turned to find his dad and mom standing at his back. "Dad!! Mom !! Madhu has been kidnapped".

Queen Radha said "Rishab wait we will send the guards for her"

"No , Mom i need to go to her. I will die if something happens to her"

"Who is this Madhu ??" the king asked.

"She is the girl who saved Rishabs life that day for whom Rishab left the palace"

"Oh so she is the one. Rishab , Are you in love with that girl??" king asked.

Rishabh did not reply ,he just looked down.

"You dont need to look down rishabh. You love her right , your eyes and your worry says everything. Go save her and bring her home but take the guards with you".

Rishab looked at his dad and he ran upto him and hugged him tight and said

" I love you Dad !! You are the best"

Queen Radha smiled at them she desperately wanted this fight to end.

"Nothing is more important than you happiness to me", said the king.

Here Madhu got consciousness she found herself in an unknown place.

The room was quite gloomy with spider webs in the walls, she looked around  and found Princess Trishna seated with her face in her lap and weeping.

She asked "Where am I?"

princess Trishna looked up and said ,

"We have been kidnapped. I dont know why this is happening with by the was how did you came to know that i was in trouble"

"I was wandering in the jungle with Tara.."

"Tara ? You mean that big hound" Madhu nodded her head

" I was wandering with her when i heard them planning to kidnap you , so i came to help you out !"

"Thanx alot but it was of no use , you got yourself in trouble now they will kill us"

"Just be patient, we have to get out of here!"

"We cant!! Its impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. I am sure we can get out of here , Be confident!!".

Princess Trishna looked at her and wiped her tears. She asked

"Who are you ?"

"I am Madhubala, I guess you were here to meet Rishabh right"

"Rishabh , you mean Prince Rishabh !!! Do you know him ??"

Unintentional Love - The Royal FantasyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora