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You are the brother I never got to have. Of course I have brothers, but they suck. You know why. I wanted to make a quick appreciation chapter about you because you are honestly the greatest thing that happened to me when I was younger. You helped me get out of my depressed state even when you weren't doing so good yourself. I had my insecure times and the times where I badly wanted to kill myself and you Ivan saved me. You're my angel. You're someone who hasn't disappointed me. I know I get angry sometimes very easily, but I'm really trying to work on that it's hard when you have shorty things thrown at you from every possible direction even if you thought you couldn't get hit, it smacks you right in the face. I trust you with my whole life you have no idea about it my love.We rarely talk now and it's my fault. I will try to talk more I'm just very busy having my ups and down with this weird world. Much love, you're favorite sister. A.k.a. Kit Kat (P.S. I witnessed someone eating a kit Kat without breaking it in the middle like normal people do. They just took a bite straight of it. It was horrifying.)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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