Chapter 11 - I'm Nobody. Are You Nobody, Too?

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            "No one!" I immediately answered, still covering my eyes, still backing away. "I'm Nobody! Are you nobody, too?" I said lamely while I tried to give a half smile in my current pose, trying to lighten up the sudden change of mood.

           "How long have you been spying on me?" he asked, voice pitching lower as he ignored my jab at humor and stood straight, staring at me.

           Or maybe that wasn't humor? What do I know?

            "I wasn't spying!" I protested. Then I realized I looked stupid backing away when we were both separated by the gap between our houses, so I stood still and uncovered my eyes. I looked away as I gestured to his length agitatedly. "But you really need to put on some clothes on! Seriously!"

            "Stop screaming. You'll wake people up with that annoying bitch whine," he said acidly as he braced his arms on his window and leaned on them. His towel slipped lower.

            "What? I wasn't screaming!" I protested again before I realized that I actually was, so then I lowered my voice to a whisper-yell. "But you were! You woke me up!" I hissed.

            "I don't give a fuck," he stated, voice still dripping in acid, as he raised his shoulder in a half shrug.

             His eyes met mine again and I felt like I was doused with a bucket of cold water. His expression was cold, so cold, in fact. And it confused me because I don't even know what I did wrong; I mean all I did was catch him singing. What was so bad about that?

           "Er.." I trailed off then. I didn't even know him but I felt like I was intruding on a really private moment so I tried to placate him. "I wasn't supposed to see that, was I?"

           His expression went even colder, if that was even possible.

           "As I said," he spat out, eyes burning angrily. "I don't give a fuck. But if you tell anyone about what you saw, you're done." His icy expression shocked me. He was looking me over like I was scum, and his eyes were now lingering on my zebra print pajamas. I happen to like these pajamas.

            "What?" I asked, shocked. "Why would I tell anyone? And who do you think you are to tell me what to d—"

            "Shut your bloody mouth, bitch."

            I sucked in a breath sharply and pursed my lips, holding back a rude retort. Rude neighbours. Heh.

            "Excuse me, but you—" I said and exaggerated the "you" as I pointed an accusatory finger at him"—need to shut up!"

           "No," he said, smirking coldly again.

           "Uh, yeah you do," I answered, annoyance lacing my voice now. " You woke me up with your ruckus then you—" I jabbed my finger in his direction again "-- accuse me of spying and now you threaten me?"

           He arched a brow at me again and I threw my arms up in in surrender.

            "I'm not even going to bother," I said, exasperated now and I made to turn away from the window whilst I was still calm. "Whatever."

            "Look, bitch," he started, his cold expression now morphed into a chilling smirk, stopping me in my tracks. "I don't give a single fuck about your girly girl problems. But if you—"

           "These are not girly girl problems!" I protested agitatedly.

           "Do not interrupt me!" he hissed at me, leaning forward, almost out the window, and that made his towel slip lower.

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