He looked back up when he smelt smoke. Students were running out of class, and his teacher shouted for them to hurry. He looked to the corner of the room where a fire had sparked. Damian stood up quickly, and exited the dance room.

     Damian had been chosen, and the entire school would be evacuated for his little outburst of joy.



     Naomi sat in her Science class, feeling bored out of her mind. ‘When will this end?’ She groaned internally. She twirled her hair between her fingers, glancing at the board every once in a while.

     ‘The fire drill was more entertaining then this.’

     She stares at her teacher. For some reason Naomi was fixated on a certain pounding. It was a beating heart. Her teachers heartbeat.  It began to get slower, and slower, until her teacher was sprawled on the floor. The students on the first few seats shreiked and moved away. Naomi didn’t even flinch.

     She had been chosen, and she had powers much scarier than making someone pass out.



     The bell had just rung and Brandon was outside, talking to his best friend Toby Ramos. “Look at your girl flirting over there,” He nodded over to Samantha.

     Brandon refused to admit that he liked Samantha, but when he looked over to where she was, he still felt a pang of jealousy. “Jealous?” Toby mocked.

     “Fuck no. I would never date her.”

    ‘Correction; I wish I could date her.’

      Brandon glanced behind Samantha, where his bus had pulled up. “Gotta go.” He said to Toby and walked toward it, hoping inside.

     A certain girl gets inside the bus, and sits right next to Brandon. “What do you want, Autumn?” Autumn Callum had had a crush on Brandon ever since Freshman year. She would stare at him in class and during lunch and sit next to him on the bus.

     “I want you to take me on a date.”

     Brandon rolled his eyes. “I don’t like you, Autumn. How many times do I have to tell you?”

     Autumn huffed. “You’ll see how good I am for you some day, Ferrera. And by then, I’ll be long gone.” Autumn stood up and walked to the front of the bus, sitting down. Brandon sighed, exhausted. It was the same routine every day. She sat next to him, demanded she be taken on a date, and swear she’s the best he’d ever get when he refuses.

     Brandon looked out the window, daydreaming about Samantha. Suddenly a sweet smell snapped Brandon back to reality. He looked out the window, a certain image catching his attention. It was a boy on his bicycle. He had scraped his knee. Brandon focused on the foreign smell as he stared at the boys injury. As the bus pulled up to his house, Brandon saw his reflection in the window.

     His eyes were bright red. “Holy fuck!” He gasped, jumping back and falling on his ass.

     “Hey! You! Get off!” The bus driver yelled at Brandon, making him shoot up and run out of the bus and into his house.

     He pressed his back against the door as he tried to control his breathing.

     Brandon had been chosen, and red eyes and the sweet smell of blood was just a perk of being who he was.



     Samantha had finally gotten home. She walked into the bathroom and took off her clothes, noticing how pale she was. She shrugged it off, thinking she was just in lack of sunlight.

     She took a quick shower and dried off. She put on her clothes and looked in the mirror to check for any signs of blistering puberty. She grabbed her phone and made a group chat with Leila, Lily, Castiel, Belle, and Melody.

     Samantha: Guys.. I have something important to tell you!

     Melody: Me too.

     Belle: Me three.

     Castiel: Me four..

     Lily: Me five :/

     Leila: Well aren’t you all fucking special?

     Lily: Lol. But seriously, we all need to meet up tomorrow during lunch. Agree?

     They all agreed.



     It was currently nine pm and Leila still hadn’t showered. She was pretty nervous. All her friends had something to tell her. She hoped the knews wasn’t too bad. Or bad at all. With Noah in the hospital she didn’t think she could take anymore bad news.

     She grabbed her phone and began playing song “Angel With a Shotgun” by The Cab. Leila absolutely loved them and that song.

     She started undressing and felt pressure on her back. She looked at the reflection in her full-length mirror. She began to scratch at her back, trying to get the uncomfertable feeling to go away.

     ‘What the hell?'

     Her nails suddenly clung to a certain spot. She held on to the area and pulled, making her flinch in pain. She looked at what was in her hands, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

     “A feather?” She whispered.

      She realized that now, she did have something to tell her group of friends. 

     But what she didn’t realize was that out of all her chosen friends, she was the most chosen of them all.

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