Sonic's past!

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Sonic's P.O.V.

I felt bad for snapping but I was not going to speak of the past it was just to painful those memories hurt the words the images everything about them. " Sonic I promise you I will not tell a soul , just know you can't keep it in forever...." I knew he was correct but, can I really trust him? With a sigh I motioned him to follow me. We headed outside the door , if I was going to share my past with him I wanted him to see the place were it all began....

Shadows P.O.V.

I was totally confused not a word from his mouth not even a sound. Where are we going? , this is all so confusing. I soon passed a " You are now leaving Moubious " sign and that's when I realized what he was doing. " Sonic are we?....." he just nodded , somehow I knew I could get him to open up to me. "Sonic is this where it all ...started?" I asked as we stopped in front of an old burnt wood house. " Yup this ..... Well this is home..." he stated.

" W-What happened to your house?!" I managed to stutter out I then screamed as I stepped on a REAL skeleton on a dead body!

" AHH!"  I stepped back backing away slowly. Oh god please let that be fake was all I could think at the moment.

" Shadow this is home ..." he said letting a few tears slip down his now pale cheeks. I saw him walk into the space of where a room used to be there seemed to be only somewhat a wooden floor or at least what's left of a wooden floor. 

" This is how my life b-began...." he sobbed tears soaking his soft blue fur.

-Sonics flash back / telling shadow about his life here-

I was two years old .... So.. So young so frail I was breakable  and gullible and guilty.....

It was my third birthday I was so excited but yet so unhappy knowing I had to share it with my siblings Manic and Sonia

" WHY DOES SONIC GET TO RUN TO GRANDMAS HOUSE BEFORE US!?" both of my siblings complained.

With a huff from my mother Queen Aleena and a huff from my father King  Flame they let go of my siblings hands letting them run as well knowing this was the only way to stop the complaining.

-Shadow interrupts-

" YOUR THE SON OF THE GREAT QUEEN ALEENA!?" " Yes I am like I  if people found out life wouldn't be the same...." Sonic exclaimed .

" I see so go on"

-Back to the story-

" HA HA I BEAT YOU THERE!" I shouted to my pouting brother and sister who gave a huff of anger.

" Happy birthday guys!" grandpa Chuck shouted as we ran into him for a group hug.

" Grandpa Chuck!" we all said cuddling up to him.

"Sonic my girl! you still as fast as I remember?!" he asked with excitement.

-Shadow interrupts again -

" Sonic my GIRL?!" I asked I hope I heard that right..

"  Y-Yes.... I-I'm a girl..." she said putting her head down in shame.

" -I'm so s-sorry I lied!" Sonic said while crying harshly. I calmed her down and soon after she was fully calmed down she  started to tell the rest of the story.

( back to the story of sonics)

A few hours later the house was engulfed in flames leaving me with my siblings and my mom who was killed an hour later  along with my family or at least what was left of it.

At the scene I ran back to my grandpas house crying as I watched the house slowly burn down .

I lived alone the next two years until at age 4 someone found me and took me to the foster home I was adopted  8 -12 times but I always ended up back at the home.

I was finally put in a foster home but, my parents were abusive and still are today it hurt I still hurt and if the man dies I go into full custody of the abusive woman...

That's the story of my life though I guess..........

( sonic stopped talking)

" Sonic you- your a foster child?... and a girl?.... and the daughter of queen Aleena.... YOUR THE LAST SURVIVING CHILD!"

I said as I pulled out a news article.    ( A/N: still shadows p.o.v.)

The news article read ' Last surviving child' Child found at age 4 taken to and foster home and now set for a bright future.'

" You are correct ..."


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