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FAKE Prologue

Reader: If your wondering, the cover DOESN'T connect with the main character, I wanted it to make it the character's inner darkness (Aka, Symbolism). Just to let confused readers know. Thank you!


MAIN Prologue

Everybody loves a good story. Tales filled with love and adventure. With friendship, and growing up. With happy endings and just a little tragedy to spice it up.

This is no such story.

The tale I'm about to tell you isn't about love, or friendship, or happiness. And it certainly doesn't offer a happy ending.

But it doesn't deserve to be forgotten.

This tale is about twisted words and broken promises. It's about shattered minds and the things in the corner of your eyes.
Don't look at me like that. You know perfectly well, what I mean. Everyone does, even if most of you have gotten very good at pretending not to see. So good in fact, that you have forgotten how to fear the dark, the things under your beds, the shadows following you.

You feel safe.

Just like a child pulling up the blankets to ward off the tendrils of nightmares. Your ignorance is your blanket, but let me tell you:
It does nothing to ward off the eyes leering at your flesh from the shadows behind you, or the tensing of muscles in the night. It doesn't help against the grinding of sharp teeth in the darkness and the muffled echo of soft steps, right behind you, when you're sure you're walking alone.
And it certainly does nothing to save your lives.

Easy prey, the lot of you.

I should know.

Yes, everything I'm about to tell you is the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Of course I know you won't believe me. But it hardly matters to me. You see, I've been around for a while. Things change, people come, people go. The world continues to suffer.
See? Kind of like you.
Oh come now, what did you expect to happen when you came to me?
You were lured in by the rumors, I know. The prospect of making the front line, debunking the myth of Boleskine House. But that's hardly my fault, now is it?

As they say; The cat killed the curious. Or was it the other way around?
Oh well. It will be of little importance to you, soon.

Alright. Are you ready? All phones turned off? Sitting tight? Haha, of course you are.

You must excuse my rough voice, it's been awhile since the last time I spoke.

Well then, shall we begin?

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