Her Spirit

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I half shift and try to get free but its no use, so I go back to my human form. "Natty, please set me free, if they kid nap her and she finds out the truth, she'll lose what's left of Maggie and lose the trust she has in all of us." I plead out to her.

She shakes her head. "I don't know-"

"Yes you do! Your trying to tell yourself you can't, because your scared of your new gifts! Your scared the family won't love you anymore and guess what, our family is miss fits already! None of us are normal compared to all the other Werewolves in the world! So suck up your free, bush it to the side and remember what mom use to tell you. Do you remember what she use to say to us, when we were little?" I challenge her to remember. I challenge her, to remember the most painful night we all suffered. Mom had said the words before the attack, but I'm hoping since the attack was closer to date, she'll remember.

Natty shakes her head, tears in her head. I can see it in her eyes she fighting with herself, to remember everything. "It's to much Nova. There so much to remember, so many voices in my head, none of them make senses to me." She crumbles down to her knees, fingers in her hair.

Pulling against the branches, I hear them grown, as if they are in pain. "Block out all the voices that aren't moms Natty. Remember her voice, remember the stories she would tell us at bed time, about true love and finding our mates. Remember her words that night."

"I can't Nova, its all nightmare of what I remember." She cries out.

My heart hurts hearing her words, because I still have nightmares of our mother die and being covered in her blood. "No, what you are seeing isn't a nightmare! What you are seeing, isn't even close to what happened that night! Natty, you got attacked, I saved you, but you didn't come to! What happened that night, there was bodies, blood and a war in our home! Mom saved me at the cost of her own life! I was covered in her blood trying to wake her up and the worst of it all is, we don't have her body! It's gone Natty, there is a head stone, but no body lays in the earth! Our grandfather--that monster took her body! She gone Natty!" I scream out, with my own tears going down my face, my heart hurts in my chest to the point it hurts to breath.

Her body freezes, at my words as the wind starts to pick up like a wind storm. "She's gone." I can almost not hear Natty whisper those words.

The tree groans against the wind and its roots start to pull out of the ground. "Nat-" the tree gives way and falls down with a crash.

The limbs give way and I'm free just in time to cover my ears, when she screams, that sounds like a thousand birds crying in pain.

"Natty stop!" A voice commands over the crying wind.

The wind dies down, so I slowly crawl out from under the tree. When I'm out, look threw the tree limbs and my breath catches at who I see. No it's not...possible.

Hands grab me and right away, I feel tingles go threw my body like lightning going threw me. Turning around, Austin holds me in his arms. "Nova," he says my name like he'll brake in my arms.

"I'm here." I whisper against his neck.

He makes a whimpering sound threw his throat. Running my fingers threw his hair, he leans into me. "You scare the shit out of me some times, you know that right?"

"I don't mean to, promise."

The wind has died down completely. We slowly let go of one another and make our way around the tree. When we are able to see what's going on, my heart brakes for my sister. Natty cries at the feet at our dead mother spirit, that I'm now trying to prosses of how it's possible to see her spirit, when she should be at peace.

I watch speechless, as our mothers eyes move to me. I take note that she looks the same as she had in life. Just see threw. "Your mate is good Nova, don't let your fathers broken heart drive you away from your mate." I open my mouth to protest against her words, but I know she right. I've spent so many years hearing dad say, how having a mate is the most painful thing to have, because if you lose your mate, its like someone just pulled out your heart and shredded it into a million pieces. "You still hold on to your fathers words about mates. Let it go Nova and only then will you be in control of your other shift."

Natty looks back at me, her eyes heart broken. "Nova, you can see her to?"

A twig snaps and out walks Shannon covered in blood and holds two hand guns. "Oh Natty, Natty, your mother is a spirit that hasn't moved on and with that, anyone and everyone can see her if she so wishes it."


"It's not that simple Shannon. Now leave my family alone!" Mother orders out.

Shannon raises the gun and points it at Natty. "Our blood line is sad Elizabeth." Her eyes shift to me and Austin. "Those of your children and grandchildren are pathetic."



Boom! Cliff hanger!

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