Half Breeds

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I almost killed him! I almost killed Austin--my mate that's supposed to love me. But now, he'll never love me again. He'll see I'm a threat and if he doesn't, the pack will.

A river is thirty feet away, when the howls start. Looking over my shoulder, I listen hard and hear ten--no forty sets of paws coming after me.

Looking forward, I get in the river. Its not deep enough for me to swim. Just knee level, but it'll get them off my trail. Standing in the water a few seconds, I press my feet down on the rocks and then jump high in the air and grab on to a close tree.

Sure you can run threw a river to lose the smell. But there always evidences left from the water, on the banks. This way, they won't be able to track me.

The forty pack members come into view, as I get behind the tree and poke my head around to see what's going on.

Wolves of different colors and sizes, sniff the area. One wolf stands tall among them all. I can still see the faint marks of dry blood, he hadn't bothered to wash off.

He shifts back into a man, looking a cross the banks. "Nova, I know you are here some where. There no ill well, we know that your struggling to control yourself. Just come home, so we can figure this out." He says.

Listening to him, I thinking back to dad word's, he said what feels like a life time ago. "Your mate will fail you, protect yourself." Dad had been right, but he got it wrong at the same time. I failed Austin. Not the other way around.

Breathing slowly, my breath wavers, before I jump to the next tree and keep going. Away from them. Away from, my mate. It was for their own safety.

Pov: Austin

I could hear her heart, it was going fast. It was like we cornered her, and she didn't know which way to go. But that's a lie, I've known Nova long enough, that I know, she thinks her options over.

And she was running.

With one bound jump, I land in the trees, where I smell everything in. It was all what you would expect in the woods. But one thing. Her smell, was faint but I could still smell it and so I follow it. Your not getting away from me. Not this time or any other time.

Pov: Nova

My legs were starting to hurt and actually have to stop in one of the high tree's. Groaning in pain, I faintly hear my tracker Alpha mate. I've never known him, to hold his punches of tracking.

But then, I hear feet run to me and not behind me. Sniffing the air, they aren't normal Werewolves. They were like me. Half breads. Found you.

Before I have the chance to jump down, to cut them off. The tree branch I stand on, brakes and sends me down on the ground.

Gasping for air, turning on my back, five pairs of eye's look down at me. "She one of us. Take her," a female voice says and blackness takes me away.


Waking up, I'm in a strange room and in a strange bed. Slowly sitting up, I grown in pain. "So your awake then." A female voice says.

Looking to where the voice came from, my heart stops and my blood runs cold, from seeing the woman standing in the doorway. "It's not possible. Mom, your alive?"


Wow, did anyone see that going to happen?

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