The Show

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"I choose to sing," Mateo nervously chuckled and bent down to his sister to whisper, "I am doing this to save your life, Lucina."

Lucina glared at her older brother and knew he was making a huge mistake.

"Ok. Come on, Mateo, you can do it. This is life and death," He muttered to himself and began his little "show".

"How do I think of life? Well, it's dangerous, boring, and full of mystery. But, all I need to do to survive is to just follow my heart." Mateo said taking a deep breath in.

"When lost in the darkness​ I try to find the light.

When life starts getting dangerous I fight for what is right.

When there's a fork in the road, I try to see the best one I should take.

I'm not gonna drown in the lake.

And why?

All I need to do to survive is to just follow my heart and I start.

I start to hear the beat of the drums.

I'll scream to the top of my lungs.

Just to get out of this dream..."

As Mateo continued to entertain​ the king, Lucina loosened the ropes that tied her hands together and freed herself.

She tiptoed behind the guards and tapped them on the shoulder, "Peek-a-boo." Lucina said and punched the guards, who were guarding her, in the face.

"That oughta​ teach you not to mess with me." Lucina said and glared at her brother, "Oh, Mateo. Either you want my favorite kind of sandwich or you are half blind."

Lucina jumped in and​ started singing.

"In life you make so many mistakes.

So, why don't you show me what it takes

If you want my opinion of life.

I say that life's trying to get you to find a way to thrive.

Because all I need to survive is to just follow my heart and I feel.

I feel the music in my soul.

Watch out this place is about to blow.

And I do this just to get out of this dream..."

Mateo ran up to her and asked her while singing,

"Lucina, what are you doing here?"

"There's something you have to hear.

Our magic's slowly disappearing."

"Let's talk about this in the clearing."

"No, you need to hear me.

We have to get out of this dream to be free."

"Our lives are in this dream's hands."

"All we have to do is believe to blow these popsicle stands."

Mateo thought for a moment. He soon realized what Leonel's song meant.

"All I need to do to escape this dream is to follow my heart and I will.

I will be set free.

We'll be set free and we'll see..."

"And we'll see the light again.

And that'll stop the pain."

And they sang together.

"Because all we need to survive is to follow our hearts and we'll.

And we'll be free.

We'll feel the beat of the drum.

We'll scream to the top of our lungs.

Just to get out of this dream."

Mateo gave his sister a hug and whispered in her ear, "Thank you. I guess you can be smarter than me."

"I know." Lucina said and soon the ground began to shake.

"Whoa. What was that? Lucina? Lucina, are you ok?" Mateo said in a panicked voice when his sister started staring off into space with her eyes starting to drift apart and when she wouldn't answer him.

Mateo sighed and knew that he needed to get them out of this dream or they'll be trapped in this dream forever and disappear from existince...

Elena of Avalor: Stuck Inside a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now